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  1. Abu Bakr

    Tityus stigmurus venom/ as a intermidiate scorpion.

    Since you're 14 I definitely think you should stay away from level 4 or 5 species. I'm not an advance keeper, I'm kinda beginner myself but I do keep Tityus Stigmurus. Wait for a few more years because if you do get stung as a teen or as someone prepubescent the chances of death are much high...
  2. Abu Bakr

    What the fork

    Could be a gift. Someone is in love with you, it seems. Why doesn't something like this happen to me? :(
  3. Abu Bakr

    Mold growing in Red Runner Roach enclosure.

    No, I spray it once a week and I spray it on the opposite side, away from the cardboard hides. I guess the water just condenses close to the cardboards making a moist region.
  4. Abu Bakr

    Mold growing in Red Runner Roach enclosure.

    I'm using cardboard rolls and some other cardboard pieces for their hide currently and there's mold growing on it. I will be rehousing them in a new enclosure with Egg cartons but I think the problem will persist because of the moisture absorbent ability of the material itself. I am fully...
  5. Abu Bakr

    Thinking about some new scorps. any suggestions

    I would suggest Tityus Stigmurus, they are communal, fast growing and parthenogenetic. They might have a strong venom but you will only get stung if you try to put your hands inside the enclosure near it.
  6. Abu Bakr

    Scorpion Malnourishment

    Do scorpions have any specific nutrition requirement? This question came to my mind because I saw a video on FB of a weak and slow moving S. Gigantea centipede and one of the comments suggested it's because of lack of vitamin B complex and C in its diet since the owner was feeding it with Dubia...
  7. Abu Bakr

    false widow? Orb weaver? Spider ID

    I am now keeping it in a cup. It's lightning fast and almost gave me a heart attack when it darted.
  8. Abu Bakr

    false widow? Orb weaver? Spider ID

    Which spider species is this? I found it in my room here in London. At first it looked like some false widow species but now upon closer inspection it looks like zygeilla x-notata but not sure. Just need to confirm.
  9. Abu Bakr

    Hottentotta Trilineatus care

    I changed the substrate. I don't have peat so I used cocofiber + sand of the 30/70 ratio.
  10. Abu Bakr

    Spider ID

    Took this picture about a year or two ago in London. Always wondered which species this was. Looks like some false widow (steatoda species) but idk.
  11. Abu Bakr

    Hottentotta Trilineatus care

    For the last 48 hours I was keeping it in pure sand. I'll change the substrate in the morning. On the first day or two, it was really fast. It would run circles real fast around the enclosure at the sign of trouble but now it has gotten relatively slow and was clinging to the ventilation holes...
  12. Abu Bakr

    Hottentotta Trilineatus care

    I recently got a 2i H.Trilineatus as a freebie and have hardly seen any care sheet for them. I have no idea how big they get as adults but here's what I gotta ask. What should be the enclosure size?Is a 500ml cup enough? Right now it's a 2 instar so I'm not too worried about it. It got plenty...
  13. Abu Bakr

    Hottentotta Hottentotta/Caboverdensis care

    I just checked the temperature and humidity monthly readings in Cabo Verde. This is what I came up with. For Temperatures For Humidity: So I guess for temperature, 25C i.e room temperature should be fine and humidity 70% to 80%.
  14. Abu Bakr

    Most commonly asked questions

    Mostly this: "Doesn't it sting? Isn't it dangerous?" "What if it escapes?" "why do you even keep such animals as pets?" I tell them because I'm suicidal that's why. Jk of course. I try to educate them about their species and their venom potency and they're still looking at me with their wide...
  15. Abu Bakr

    Hottentotta Hottentotta/Caboverdensis care

    I'll be getting a H. Caboverdensis in a day or two so I would like to know if the following care instructions are correct or not. Please feel free to add anything more to it. Enclosure: 20 cm x 20 cm (base) Substrate: Sand+Coco-fiber mix, 5-6 cm deep Temperature: 25C to 35C Humidity: 55% to 65%...
  16. Abu Bakr

    Suitable species for 18c - 30 c temp

    These are the readily available species in UK and ranking is in terms of availability in my opinion because these are the ones that I find in most websites and in invertebrate shows/expos. 1) Heterometrus spinnifer/Laoticus/Petersi 2) Hadogenes troglodytes 3) Scorpio Maurus 4) Euroscorpious...
  17. Abu Bakr

    Suitable species for 18c - 30 c temp

    That's a tough one. In UK, you really don't have that many options.There are very few species that will fit that criteria and even if they do, they might not be readily available. There might be a light colored species of decent size and your temperature range and less than level 2 venom but...
  18. Abu Bakr

    Why do people purchase adult scorpions instead of juveniles.

    It depends on what you really want with it. If you want a scorpion that you can keep for years to come, then you'll go with a juvenile. If you want one for breeding purposes and making more slings (which you might keep or sell) then you'll go with adults. I bought my first scorpion as a 2nd...
  19. Abu Bakr

    Asian Forest Scorpion Temperatures

    Around 25 C to 30 C is perfect. I keep my 2nd instar H. Laoticus in between that temperature and it's doing perfectly fine. They are nocturnal so of course they tend to be quite sluggish in the morning. You should observe them at night when they're a lot more active and exploring their enclosure.
  20. Abu Bakr

    Mycosis in scorpions from crickets

    I have 2 tropical species that require high humidity. Heterometrus and tityus. I know the heterometrus enclosure is very well ventilated so I don't think that would be an issue but for tityus I don't know. I always take the cricket parts out when the scorpion is done eating. I'll try introducing...