Theraphosinae sp. Roatàn (probably)

Theraphosinae sp. Roatàn (probably)

I would say female. Interesting that all the setae have rubbed off right there...
I would say female. Interesting that all the setae have rubbed off right there...
Yes. I wasn't sure what was going on there. I couldn't quite tell if it was just a light coloured patch of setae or if it was just a bald patch. There are definitely light coloured hairs there.

I've only had her a few weeks so don't know her past. I picked her up as one of 19 Ts from a guy who wanted to leave the hobby.
Yes. I wasn't sure what was going on there. I couldn't quite tell if it was just a light coloured patch of setae or if it was just a bald patch. There are definitely light coloured hairs there.

I've only had her a few weeks so don't know her past. I picked her up as one of 19 Ts from a guy who wanted to leave the hobby.
It's probably from dragging her abdomen - she's VERY plump, bordering on obese. I would feed sparingly until she molts next. She a really pretty T, though!

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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