Cyriopagopus sp.

Cyriopagopus sp.

Possibly Minax, got this WC girl and she has since molted but I haven't seen her in her glory yet for a proper ID. Absolutely stunning girl.
Looks like a C. vonwirthi to me, but I’m not 100% sure on this one. Here’s a link to a post where I discuss the differences between C. minax and C. vonwirthi.... (It’s towards the bottom of Page 3)
Looks like a C. vonwirthi to me, but I’m not 100% sure on this one.
I believe vonwirthi has orange spinnerets and hers are grey. It was sold to me as paganus but from my understanding paganus is not in the hobby and is a bit of a blanket ID for a variety of WC species of this genus.

Also post-molt from what I've seen her abdomen and carapace are both dark black/grey, no lighter browns here but hopefully I'll get a photo someday. I wish I hadn't put her in a sterilite tub because I only see her toes these days.
I believe vonwirthi has orange spinnerets and hers are grey. It was sold to me as paganus but from my understanding paganus is not in the hobby and is a bit of a blanket ID for a variety of WC species of this genus.

Also post-molt from what I've seen her abdomen and carapace are both dark black/grey, no lighter browns here but hopefully I'll get a photo someday. I wish I hadn't put her in a sterilite tub because I only see her toes these days.
Hmmm, interesting. You're right about C. paganus not being in the hobby yet, and that most Ts labeled as C. paganus are either C. vonwirthi or C. minax. The coloration of the carapace isn't a good taxonomic trait, and the coloration of spinnerets isn't always the best way to distinguish the two, as some locales of C. minax possess spinnerets with the same orangish hue. But if you're indeed correct that her spinnerets AREN'T orange, she could definitely be C. minax.

Fortunately, you might be able to get a 100% positive I.D. without getting a picture of her entire body. Whenever/If you catch her sitting at the edge of her burrow, try to get a close look at the patella. As I mentioned in the Thread, C. minax has stripes on the patella, but they're hardly visible. C. vonwirthi also has stripes on the patella, but they are MUCH more prominent. I've found that this is the best way to tell them apart.

Whatever she is, she's still a gorgeous T. Both species are beautiful, and you can't go wrong with either one :)

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