First foal of the year

First foal of the year

... at my friends stud - 2 days old and still nameless. Can anybody think of a good girl name starting with C, preferably Irish or French?
@cold blood Eh eh, no, ain't one at all my man :kiss: (I know you are joking, eh) :)

I'm simply an Italian (Lombardy) man reaching his 40 that is in love with pure 'beauty' at 360°. For me names are very important, and Cora sounds lovely.

I like the name: not so often used; reminds to me of the 'gentle' remnants of a past that, sadly, today is forgotten; in that name, Cora, there's an 'hint' of genuine rebellion, but not 'screamed'... a very kind 'rebellion'.

Overall I will give an hug, in no time, to Cora's mother.

I'm Chris LXXIX, and I'm one of the last 'Romantic' remained in Europe :pompous:
In Irish, there is a word "cora." It's not a name; it means "salmon weir." Not terribly poetic, I know! It's pronounced more like "curra." The name Cora was actually invented by James Fenimore Cooper for his novel "Last of the Mohicans"-- as such it has never been translated into Irish. JF Cooper probably based the name on the Greek Kore meaning "maiden"-- you could use another name meaning something similar to translate. Colleen comes to mind-- this name isn't used in Ireland as it is an anglicization of the word "cailín", which means "girl," but Colleen is used in most other English-speaking countries. Also: Ainnir ("young woman"), Femhe ("girl"). If you were to spell the name out in Irish, it would probably be Córa /KOE ra/.

Lifted from

I knew I’d heard Cora as a name somewhere in an Irish-ish setting. Great book and film by the way... I’m sure I can wangle something into the Fun Movie Name thread!!!
@Mjb30 'Salmon weir'... that's... really not poetic :shifty:. But James Fenimore Cooper is, so it's all good ;). Thanks for the explanation :).
Some French suggestions: Cachet, Calais, Caprice, Cerise, Chantal, Chambray, Chloe. Coralie. Some Irish suggestions: Cassidy, Corey, Caoimhe (pronounced kee-va)

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Not So Spineless Wonders
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Canon Canon PowerShot SX710 HS
Focal length
13.5 mm
Exposure time
Off, did not fire
File size
571.6 KB
Date taken
Wed, 28 March 2018 5:53 PM
1158px x 1595px

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