A.Genic (Pumpkin) Juve Female

A.Genic (Pumpkin) Juve Female

My numero uno! Hehe
@Venom1080 So you invaded my picture and now you reported Me? Really? Oh dear... You know if I see something I don't like I tend to ignore it rather than being rude to the person who took the time to upload it... Carry on...
Honestly venom you're just acting like an elitist bully at this point. You purposely insinuated things about him just to get a reaction. Like assuming that he's a newbie for handling, and assuming he had an exoterra like he doesn't know better. All without sufficient information about him. If you hold the belief that tarantulas under NO circumstances what so ever should be handled, that's fine. But you aren't the supreme all knowing ruler of the hobby, experience aside. I highly doubt that this particular A.geniculata was in any way stressed from this. We have all held a tarantula at one point. Maybe because its your first and you want to experience it, or because you one time or another during a rehousing of a docile species felt like using your hand because nothing else is needed, and a catchcup and other tools is just going to prolong the transfer and thus prolonging the potential "stress". I've held quite a few tarantulas for many different reasons. I agree, interactions should be kept to a minimum, but one does not have to be a <poopie> about it. =)
@Venom1080 Here you'll see where she sits, waiting... I'd take a bite anyday rather than see that girl fall! My love for my Arachnids is unquestionable and tbh I'm rather taken aback with your responses... Anyway here's where she waits...
My goodness. What has happened here? ...So the belt sander is great for my palms, but not so much for in-between my fingers. I think a sanding drum for a rotary tool should do the trick.
@Nex I completely agree with you.
I think what some people on AB need to remember is that the Tarantulas we post about on here are our Tarantulas, we care for these animals everyday, and know our own animals' temperment and how they react. Obviously they can be unpidictable, but that is the same with other animals we keep, the family dog or cat, when pushed, can easily turn and do some real damage.
Those of us with experiance that do handle our Tarantulas, do so with every precaution in mind. And I'm sure if @Shampain88 was to notice his T becoming stressed, then she would of been returned to her enclosure.
The very first picture I posted on here was pic of me holding my A. Genic sling. Something like this
and the very first comment I had was to "expect a lecture about handling".
What it all boils down to is a matter of opinion, which we are all entitled to. However if you don't agree with handling Tarantulas, that's fine, but we don't need your Opinion forced upon us. You don't need to tell us, we already know. And like @Shampain88 said If you don't like it, don't look at it.
@AshS Well.. If someone does something the "majority" of the hobby can agree on is something that's bad for the animal, like taking the spider out and handling just because its fun, ofc that person needs to be told that what he or she is doing is wrong. But being condescending doesn't help.

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samsung SM-G955F
Focal length
4.2 mm
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3 MB
Date taken
Thu, 08 June 2017 4:12 PM
4032px x 3024px

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