B. sabulosum

B. sabulosum

My mediocre sexing skills says male?.. Please say I'm wrong.
MAN I'm bad at this. I would've said male all night long because of the dot on it's thing, but I guess I'm wrong. Males and females always look the same to me.

It's funny because for some reason there's some genus of tarantulas that I'm confidant (like a lot of Asian Ts) to sex while some others (like Avics) that even though I see hooks and all still looks like a female with a lack of the "dot".

For some reason she looked like she had that weird covey thing which kinda looks like a dot IMO.
@Spidermolt I'm not good at sexing from the outside, as I use a microscope 100% of the time, except the dot method as you may have heard of it, and obvious shots like the one above. Hooks are male, case closed ;)
Sorry I meant that I have clearly MM avics in my collection but if you were to give me a surprise pic of their fusillade I'd still say it looks female to me even though theyre not because they're tricky IMO but at the same I can look at a tiny cambridgei and guess pretty accurately cuz they're easier... I usually wait until a molt to be 100% positive too but since I bought her today I couldn't wait and she fooled me.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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