H. maculata

H. maculata

Sex my tarantula please. :)
Thanks again Mr. talkenlate04 :). I posted this on other boards and people had no clue/maybe even male. I was hoping for female though because I was told by the dealer that it was a good chance of being a girl. But we will see for sure when I get the exuvium :) Thanks!
Scorpiove said:
Thanks again Mr. talkenlate04 :). I posted this on other boards and people had no clue/maybe even male. I was hoping for female though because I was told by the dealer that it was a good chance of being a girl. But we will see for sure when I get the exuvium :) Thanks!
If it's over 4" show a top side shot. H. mac's are sexually dimorphic. The males stay brown whilst the females turn grey-white

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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