my pterino-child

my pterino-child

big baby!! he's my MM P. murinus, and he's in a breeding tank that houses his regular container and my female's. he was shoved into a corner somewhere so I gently nudged him out and obviously the only reasonable reaction to this hideous betrayal was to flip over and throw a tantrum
This is why I want one of these and also why I don't have one.

I have been looking for a video of this. Do you know where I can find one? Specifically the act of throwing a posture and falling on their back.
@bryverine I didn't take one (and i really should have because boy was he going at it this time), but here is one of a P. lugardi doing something pretty similar
i was hesitant about getting my first baboon spider too (this guy) because i wasn't sure if i could handle something so aggressive, but you get used to it and now my Pterinochilus species are my favorite! there's something so indescribably charming about a spider that gets worked up over nothing so much that it throws itself on its back and just wiggles its fangs uselessly. they're adorable!!
That's perfect! They're so ridiculous.

I think I'll stick with my queen for now, she is much more relaxed about threat posturing.
Along with the hissing, I can picture her saying the following "the giant again, huh? *sigh* I guess I should probably threat posture... hissssss.... *sigh* hisss... eh, I'm sure he gets it, I'm done."

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