Omothymus violaceopes sexing - 2"
acquired ~3 weeks ago. roughly 2” (keep trying to get an exact measurement but singapores can be extra skittish). i strongly suspect it’s a male. guesses?
Hard to person it would be easy.

Shine a light at different angles....usually back to front is best....males show a distinct dot above the furrow under the right lighting angle
thanks y’all. wish the pic was better + i’ve been trying to check for the dot, but the spider emerges like once a month and bolts underground every time a flashlight is involved (photophobia levels: maximum) - the dot should become more visible as it reaches 4” so i may just have to wait until then
update: looks like it had molt complications and died in the last 24 hours. it tried to molt vertically, same position as the pic. very light misting before molt and tried giving water after i noticed, but it's been half-molted for a couple days now; no movement, death curl

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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omothymus violaceopeace
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