Avicularia laeta?

Avicularia laeta?

I'm pretty sure this is an Avicularia laeta, thoughts? 2.5" juvie, so doesn't have the full adult colors quite yet.
After searching the internet, I've also stumbled upon Avicularia minatrix. The red on the specimen's abdomen seems to indicate minatrix, but I'm just not sure. I'll wait until the next molt and see how it looks then.
Annnnnnnnddddd found another "Avic" that it might be. Avicularia juruensis. :sour: I'll just wait until next molt as its rather dicolored right now.:meh:
@Sarkhan42 I see thank you. The species it most resembles that I have found is A. aurantiaca. Perhaps A. juruensis. Open to any and all suggestions. I really have no idea at this point (ugh Avics:hurting:).I will see after it molts, thanks!
It is not a A.laeta either they are more light in the color. Unless of course the picture is messing with my mind ;)
@BobBarley This is NOT minatrix. Minatrix is the only Avic which retains the tiger striped abdomen from sling to adulthood.

Many people, myself included, urge user not to ID Avics by pictures for a ton of reasons; all of which lead to said owner misidentifying their Avic. There is ONLY a few Avics that be ID'd via pic, minatrix is one, versi is another (as adult, not sling as laeta slings are blue as well).

Also jurensis adults, not sure about juvis have fairly bright yellow leg bands, and a darker body I believe. But definitely they have legs bands, and only a few adult Avics have distinctive leg bands.

I'm stumped as to why you thought yours might be minatrix, were you reading a description perhaps? The abdomen is unique in color pattern. Maybe you need glasses :p
Avic. avic. or Avic metallica in need of a molt. I don't see anything fancy here. Definitely not laeta, minatrix, aurantiaca, nor juruensis...

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