I have a sling of this species! Rump looks like female with very pronounced markings but I have yet to see any markings on femurs. I’m really hoping for female. Also mine is pretty well mannered.
I have a sling of this species! Rump looks like female with very pronounced markings but I have yet to see any markings on femurs. I’m really hoping for female. Also mine is pretty well mannered.

When you say 'rump' do you mean Epiandrous fusillae? Because without a molt or ventral sexing, Psalmopoeus is sexually dimorphic only after the ultimate molt of a mature male. So basically, male and female slings/juveniles/immature adults will all look alike until the mature male molts into a shockingly leggy brown/gray tarantula that hardly resembles the rich black and orange irminia he sported prior to molting
When you say 'rump' do you mean Epiandrous fusillae? Because without a molt or ventral sexing, Psalmopoeus is sexually dimorphic only after the ultimate molt of a mature male. So basically, male and female slings/juveniles/immature adults will all look alike until the mature male molts into a shockingly leggy brown/gray tarantula that hardly resembles the rich black and orange irminia he sported prior to molting
By rump I meant it’s abdomen from the top. I was thinking since the colors I see look very similar to female colors that it was a possible female? I am new to this species and fully expect that I can be wrong.
By rump I meant it’s abdomen from the top. I was thinking since the colors I see look very similar to female colors that it was a possible female? I am new to this species and fully expect that I can be wrong.
Rump means ass in my view😁 like if I said damn that tarantula has a nice fat rump... I’m talking about some T booty!
Yeah, sorry, this is one species that exhibits no differences between genders (aside from the wild educated guess of someone experienced with ventral sexing) without a molt. You cannot tell the gender of a P. irminia by the size or markings of it's abdomen

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Panasonic DC-FZ80
Focal length
3.6 mm
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Off, did not fire
File size
8.2 MB
Date taken
Wed, 28 October 2020 4:21 AM
4896px x 3672px

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