Which is better?


Old Timer
Nov 25, 2006
I plan on getting away from crickets and start using roaches from my chameleon and beardie to my scorps and T's. The only problem is I don't know which roaches to get. Here are my choices:

- B. dubia
- B. lateralis
- N. cinerea (lobster roach)

The most for the best price is the lobster roaches but I don't know if that is the best to go with or not. Any advice from experienced roach feeders would be awesome. Thanks.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
I had a bad experience with lobsters in the past. I got 1doz at a show, feed them off and was done with them (climbers and too fast for me). Three or four months later while cleaning out my chams enclousre, I lifted up the clay saucer that a ficus tree sat apon. I was asstounted to see dozens of lobsters scurrying everywhere! They had managed to start a colony with vertually no food, water, or extra heat and from the 2 or 3 indivudals that weren't eaten.
I also tried latts, and was disapointed to see how fast they were. They to can casue problems in the house and are now a well established nuciance in Southern California. There are a number of roaches out there that while there tropical sp. they can still infest, lobsters and latts are on that list. Its too bad I had to find out the hard way, at least I learned my leason...always do research! In other words: I'd steer clear of the lobs and latts.

I just started a colony of b.dubia and am loving it! They still are quick, but they come in a huge range of sizes, can't climb glass, breed rather fast and above all are a TRUE tropical sp. Which means there will not be a problem of infestation down the road. ~ Rex


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2007
Dubia are excellent feeders, only problem is they like to burrow but a head pinch will cure your ills. Can't climb glass and plastic well, they have tarsal hooks like scorpions instead of static pads. Easy to sex, males have wings, females don't.

I also agree with Rex on the latts, depending on your location they could be a problem in your home if they get out, which a couple will. I had a few dubia escape, found them dead in the bathroom and around the fridge.



Old Timer
Oct 19, 2006
dubia's for sure

lobsters and lat's are pests as far as i am concerned,got rid of both
my two cents