Where to get bioactive substrate for a vivarium without a drainage layer, in the EU.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Because I think they're fun to make, They look great (Especially with a lot of plants), my T enjoys climbing on plants and she seems to prefer the extra humidity. Plus it's also nice to know there are cleaners taking care of T poo, and food leftovers I might have missed.
ah like to make- makes sense

Your T doesn’t have the nervous system to experience joy/sadness etc


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 17, 2020
On the topic of soils/substrates, absolutely everything, every single substrate you could use is bio active, every living surface is. Soils are not ‘ dirt’ they are living ecosystems with a wide array of biotic and abiotic factors interacting. “Bio active” is a marketing ploy to get people to pay for soil mixes that anyone could have simply made themselves. Don’t buy into it. Someone already said it, there are planted and non-planted tanks, both are bio active. Adding springtails and isopods and plants doesn’t make it bio active on its own, only just adds more micro and macro biological entities that’s it. Don’t fool yourself into believing them, it’s all about selling more products, all about money, they don’t have backgrounds in horticulture and soul science lol ( I do). I hear so much nonsense around plants and soils in this hobby on the large scale

you can dig up soil from the woods or you can just mix components togrher to make your own mix to suit the needs of the plants and tarantula this is super effective and efficient and you will get 10x the amount of substrate as you could if you had to buy a premade mix.

also a happy tarantula is not one who climbs a lot as a terrestrial.


Nov 13, 2019
Your T doesn't need any of that crap, it's all for the narcissist keeper. Just use Coco fiber/peat/topsoil alone or as part of a mixture. Simple. Keep it simple. Your spider will be happier.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Your T doesn't need any of that crap, it's all for the narcissist keeper. Just use Coco fiber/peat/topsoil alone or as part of a mixture. Simple. Keep it simple. Your spider will be happier.

You know it's "funny", even my fellow snake owners have bought into Bioactive Bullcrap too! I've seen it on the boards. The only class of exotics that would benefit are PDFs. IMO/IME.\

Yet people have been raising snakes for decades upon decades with no ill side effects. I don't get it.


He who moists xD
Aug 10, 2017
Best part is when the "bio" bags come full of dirt, wood splinters, rocks.... It makes me laugh and hurts me at the same time... There are few brands/shops that really sell good stuff.

But... bio is the future!!! Uahahahahahaha (evil laughs) 🤣🤣🤣🤣