I know its normal for T's to fast for a while but its been 2 solid months.
Spun a web matt over 50% of its area and since then she/he barely moves, though active when handeling.
I have it in a divided 20 Gal terrarium with a rose hair and figure its close to a molt but maybe the presence of another T is to much stress, i dont know.
Thinking maybe i should place her in her own critter keeper until she molts but again i dont want to put too much stress on her/him.
any info would be greatly appreciated.
Temp 78 Humid 71
Spun a web matt over 50% of its area and since then she/he barely moves, though active when handeling.
I have it in a divided 20 Gal terrarium with a rose hair and figure its close to a molt but maybe the presence of another T is to much stress, i dont know.
Thinking maybe i should place her in her own critter keeper until she molts but again i dont want to put too much stress on her/him.
any info would be greatly appreciated.
Temp 78 Humid 71
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