Arboreals are so popular right now! Pokies! Avics! Singapore blues! I like terrestrials better myself but as far as popularity goes, I think Aboreals are the catch of the day!
i dont understand the question. I mean popularity in pets seems hard to figgure. Id say with the vast numbers of G. rosea being wild caught for the pet trade they are the most popular . but only because tey are cheap and what the pet stores carry. B. smithi used to fill that spot.
Personally i like them all. I have more terestrials now. Only one obligate burrower and one arboreal. I have another terrestrial coming and anothe arboreal ... hmm if singapore blue is arboreal lol i hear they like to burrow in captivity.
i voted for terrestrial for i love terrestrials...most of them ar docile although arboreals has docile beauties...but nontheless i like terrestrials:? :?
i didn't think the question was quite specific enough. i went ahead and voted terrestrial because i believe that to be the most popular over all. There are a lot of T's sold in the pet trade and a great deal of those are terrestrial. If you asked specifically about T hobbyist, i would have voted aboreal.
well i think that Terrestrial are the most populer but aboreal seem to be the most interesting and most fasanating. so swing betwen the both, witch is why i posted this thread.
I have Lasiodora klugi and i think that is interesting when he/she build that her tunnels and how do they make them , but as someone before sed everybody needs to have individual opinion.
I like Terrestrial sp. more than other kind, although I voted Arboreal because I've heard many people love them..
..but I was wrong, terrestrial sp. is winning the contest ;P cool
I voted Arboreal!
I can see where you're coming from if you think the question was a bit open, I think its aimed at personal preferance not popularity in the hobby!
My Fav's are pokies.
G.rosea is prob the most popular in the hobby for reasons already stated above.
I also feel it should have been more specific, but I went for Terrestrial as I think that your G rosea & B Smithi are some of the most sold T's. I'm sure just about everyone has at least one of the 2. That is the way I took the poll.
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