I've always had a soft spot for the basic Avicularia Avicularia ever since I first saw them in the local pet shop in my little ol' city of birth (Vaasa, Finland) some 35 years ago. Black, fluffy, pink toes almost like headlights on each legI think C. Versicolor wins hands down in the "cute" department. Fluffy, gorgeous color, fairly slow moving for the most part. And the thick arboreal legs look less like your stereotypical "halloween spider" shape.
There's definitely something about the ones that look really crazy and colourful where they almost bypass the automatic "Aaah it's a spider" response some people have.A Poecilotheria metallica was the first spider I got a positive comment out of from an ex-arachnophobe previous coworker.
You're onto something with the T. seladonia. People think the videos and photos are either fake/AI generated or of a toy spider. In terms of "friendly-looking" Theraphosidae this species scores higher than versi IMHO.There's definitely something about the ones that look really crazy and colourful where they almost bypass the automatic "Aaah it's a spider" response some people have.
T seladonia is one that I think definitely fits this category.