What to do with Parasteatoda tepidariorum eggs?


May 30, 2020
I’ve recently been watching over a common house spider that has made a rather impressive web near my front door. For about 3-4 days she wasn’t very active, and sat at the back of her web for some time. Now, there’s an egg sack in the web. I really don’t want a lot of little baby spiders running around loose in my house, but I wouldn’t mind keeping them (& her) in an enclosure I could make. (I currently take care of common/four lined silverfish, and isopods). Does that sound like an OK idea? Would she die if I relocated her? There is also a male close by (which I assume is who she mated with) should I relocate him with her? I know some females will eat males. Let me know, I’m new to spiders