1/4" mutilid, right?Originally posted by Unregistered
Hey all,
I haven't checked on Arachnopets in a while, and I didn't remember them having an insect forum, but I'm glad I did, and I'm glad he does. Hello to anyone who might recognize me from my rare postings at petbugs.com.
First off my favorite insects are pretty much the aquatics. I've only kept a few, but my favorites are the Blepharicerids, the net-winged midges, from the standpoint of pure fascination. The only "blephs" I've kept for any amount of time in captivity are pupae, which aren't really exciting because they just sit there.
My favorite as pets are the velvet ants, assassins, beetles (I'd especially like to raise a tiger beetle larva), and pretty much most aquatics (caddisflies and large dragonfly larvae such as gomphids are faves).
I still love pretty much any arthropod there is, but the insects are still my favorites.
Yah, we used to find the Cecropia worms all the freaking time in Ohio when we were kids... we'd put them in a jar and watch them spin a cocoon and hatch. The adult moths are nothing short of stunning, but unfortunately the ONLY purpose of the adult stage is to mate and lay eggs... they spend most of their lives in the various instars of wormhood. And yes, they only live for about two weeks as adults due to their inability to eat... however, male moths can pick up a female's pheromones from up to a mile away... talk about your hyperactive sex drive!Originally posted by johns
Hi, Wade-
I think I've seen a saturniid caterpillar, and they are huge mama-jamas!
As for the moths that don't feed, you learn something new every day.