I named my Rosie 'Goliath' but he happened to be a she. The name remained.
I named my A. azuraklaasi 'Lilith' and my fiancee named my B. emilia 'Pumpkin'
MM T's automatically get the names: Bruce, Studly, Taps, or Spaz.
Bruce tends to be the ladies man while Spaz runs away from everything. Taps pretty much just taps and doesn't know what to do once he's near the female.. Studly will hit it a few times before being nommed.. A Bruce normally goes on to live a healthy life, generally retiring to do Old Spice commercials.
G. Rosea- Rose
G. Pulchra- Black
G.Pulchripes- Chill
OBT- Orange
P. Irminia- Tony ( named after tony the tiger from frosted flakes)
A. Metallica- Wow
N. Colortovilosusn- Candy
B. Smithi- Mexico (female but the name remained)
My first T ever Aphonopelma chalcodes -Zoe was sold to me as a F then molted out mature male and became Zohan
Brachypelma boehmi F- Phoenix
Nhandu chromatus M- Skeletor
there have been lots of other tarantulas that have come and gone that I can't think of right now.
My first was Ice (A. versicolor), then Duke (P. murinus), Flash (C. cyaneopubescens) and Moody (P. murinus), Stryker (A. geniculata)... just a few of my favorites in my clutter. (collective noun for a group of spiders)
i just recently purchased my first (assumed) female rose haired T, whom i've deemed as
Dr. Charolette Horrible, M.D.
(M.D. is an abv. for Monkey Destroyer... not sure why )
I name every critter I obtain. Here are to T names
0.0.2 Pink Zebra Beauty, Dig and Dug
0.0.3 Chaco Golden Knee, Hugehy, Dewy, and Louie (a friends 4yr old daughter named these lol)
0.0.2 OBT Snuggles and Chaos
0.0.2 N. coloratovillosus Tank and Dozer
0.0.2 A. versicolor Charolette and Fluffy
0.1.0 A. avicularia Azure
0.0.1 P. irminia Tigger
0.0.1 P. ornata Trixy
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