What are these white bits on C versi sling?


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Fab, thanks, I have put some moss in now too. Yes, I had a low-key meltdown when I saw them! The sling is sooo small, roughly the size of my thumb nail, and the mites look huge on it when seen thru the macro lens! I'll let you know how we get on. Thank you so very much again for your help 😊
It's np I did the same both times, my irminia Amaterasu was bigger but because of the ter in her abdomen alot of others thought she wouldn't survive. I even had someone tell me to put her in the freezer because she wouldn't survive and it would be kinder, but 5 moults in and she's a beautiful 5inch female mite free and living her best life.
Same with my sp panama sling , Opal was 0.5 cm when she came and she had so many mites round her chilicera and abdomen base she looked like she was blowing bubbles everywhere, it was horrible took about a 3 weeks for all the mites to leave her pretty face but again 3 moults in and she's now over 1inch n living her best life & due yet another rehouse 😊. Your little floofer will be mite free soon and will always be special to you because you went through this together. It's how I feel anyways.
(And before anyone says it, I know my tarantula doesn't understand or care what I did and cant bond with me but I am human and going through something like this makes me bond and love my t even more then i already do, idc if they can't love me I love them 😆)

Racer Jess

Mar 18, 2024
Watching this thread with interest, good luck @Racer Jess and sound advice from @Charliemum ! Hope it all works out for you!
Thanks! I'll let you know how we get on 😊

It's np I did the same both times, my irminia Amaterasu was bigger but because of the ter in her abdomen alot of others thought she wouldn't survive. I even had someone tell me to put her in the freezer because she wouldn't survive and it would be kinder, but 5 moults in and she's a beautiful 5inch female mite free and living her best life.
Same with my sp panama sling , Opal was 0.5 cm when she came and she had so many mites round her chilicera and abdomen base she looked like she was blowing bubbles everywhere, it was horrible took about a 3 weeks for all the mites to leave her pretty face but again 3 moults in and she's now over 1inch n living her best life & due yet another rehouse 😊. Your little floofer will be mite free soon and will always be special to you because you went through this together. It's how I feel anyways.
(And before anyone says it, I know my tarantula doesn't understand or care what I did and cant bond with me but I am human and going through something like this makes me bond and love my t even more then i already do, idc if they can't love me I love them 😆)
I know just what you mean, I'm the same myself with my lot, and the same with my snakes too lol They may not even know or care who or what I am, but they're my babies regardless ❤🕷


Spider Wrangler
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Only other suggestion I would make is to go overboard on the ventilation in the enclosure you've got the sling in for treatment. Versi slings are very sensitive to damp, stagnant air and can quickly perish from it. Keeping the sub moist is important for getting the mites to move, but you need to make sure the air flow in the enclosure is as good as possible.

Good luck!

Racer Jess

Mar 18, 2024
Only other suggestion I would make is to go overboard on the ventilation in the enclosure you've got the sling in for treatment. Versi slings are very sensitive to damp, stagnant air and can quickly perish from it. Keeping the sub moist is important for getting the mites to move, but you need to make sure the air flow in the enclosure is as good as possible.

Good luck!
Having previously lost a c versi sling to what I reckon was poor airflow, I now have a small desk fan that I have running every so often, across from the enclosure, to keep the air circulating. Thanks! 😊


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
Having previously lost a c versi sling to what I reckon was poor airflow, I now have a small desk fan that I have running every so often, across from the enclosure, to keep the air circulating. Thanks! 😊
More air holes will be a better friend to you than blowing air at her. Especially with moist sub.

Racer Jess

Mar 18, 2024
After much googling and research, I discovered that the mites on my poor little sling are, most likely, parasitic mites. I tried what others suggested re the mushroom/cucumber to no avail, and have been informed that they wouldn't work for parasitic mites anyway, as they prefer living things to feast upon.
I was told to try predatory mites - Hypoapsis miles - and that they should help get rid of the little nasties that are feeding on my sling. Ordered the Hypoapsis miles mites off of Amazon, and they finally arrived today (should have been here early last week but somehow got delayed) and I followed the instructions and sprinkled a generous helping into the sling's enclosure. Now all that I can do is play the waiting game. With any luck, in a week or two the sling should be mite free.
Keep your fingers crossed for her please 🤞
I'll update again in a week or two


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
After much googling and research, I discovered that the mites on my poor little sling are, most likely, parasitic mites. I tried what others suggested re the mushroom/cucumber to no avail, and have been informed that they wouldn't work for parasitic mites anyway, as they prefer living things to feast upon.
I was told to try predatory mites - Hypoapsis miles - and that they should help get rid of the little nasties that are feeding on my sling. Ordered the Hypoapsis miles mites off of Amazon, and they finally arrived today (should have been here early last week but somehow got delayed) and I followed the instructions and sprinkled a generous helping into the sling's enclosure. Now all that I can do is play the waiting game. With any luck, in a week or two the sling should be mite free.
Keep your fingers crossed for her please 🤞
I'll update again in a week or two
Be careful those don't die off like it suggests, you use those miles mites it's like letting off a nuke nothing little will grow again they eat everything from other mites to springtails they make no difference to iso babys they dont differentiate. You won't ever be able to have anything bioactive for years.

Predatory mites are usually red and much much bigger then the ones your little one has plus unless your t is wild caught it couldnt have predatory mites. They can't be cultivated in captivity, boffins have tried and failed.
The mites on your baby are well fed though, so they won't want to leave your t it will take them getting hungry and dropping to look for food for them to leave your babba. I did tell you it would take a while and it's only been a week 😊. Like with all t stuff patience is key.
Miles are ment for orchards not for indoor use I warn you strongly not to use them . I have a friend that used them for mites on a centipede 8 years ago and they still 8 years later infest his vivs n kill any springtails he gets .

I can't stop you from using them if you do you do, but know the risks your taking by using them your basically swapping one mite for another.
Please give it another week with the mushroom before you try these I don't want to see you making a big mistake because of your love for your t. Your t could technically live with the mites they have, they aren't pretty but don't really hurt your t , it wouldn't hurt to try another week before you press the red button n destroy everything .
Please just think about it, mites like miles you won't be able to get rid of, they aren't ment for indoor use and will not die off in 3 weeks like it says n they will travel through everything in your house. Definitely don't if you keep anything like isopods/springtails as the miles will decimate them.

All that being said you will do what you do and I wish you n your sling luck either way.