Went to reptile show. They had some T's.... well...


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Came home with a few Avic. Avics.. (five....)
Amd Dead tired from all day driving and show roaming and all that.
Um,, we are now officialy up to 20 T's...


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
Wow...5 new Ts. How was the show? Was there a large selection of Ts? Were the prices reasonable?


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Good thing about A. avicularias is that you can keep them communally unlike most T's thereby saving you the hassle of putting them allin sepaate enclosures.


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002
Originally posted by Godzilla2000
Good thing about A. avicularias is that you can keep them communally unlike most T's thereby saving you the hassle of putting them allin sepaate enclosures.
I dont think this is a practise you just do automatically when you have multiple avics. I think you have to be prepared to lose one in case it doesnt work.


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Nixy, you realise we will need pics as "evidence" of course? ;)


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2003
I have had a couple of my A. Avicularias together now for a couple of weeks and they seem to be doing fine. I am going to add 1 or 2 more to the cage soon. I just made sure I fed them before I put them together and that I keep food available to them. Good Luck with yours.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by Godzilla2000
Good thing about A. avicularias is that you can keep them communally unlike most T's thereby saving you the hassle of putting them allin sepaate enclosures.
I think what Jacen meant to say is be prepared to lose all of them but one.

There is no such thing a communal T in the pet trade. Many species, particularly as juveniles, do well in "communal" settings but it's a crap shoot. They may live together peacefully for a couple of years and then, ohoh, you've got one fat and happy tarantula where there used to be multiples. I've seen many posts from people who try the communal pinktoe thing, and while most of these people never follow up on it, of the ones who keep it going longterm, the majority seem to eventually have some cannibalism.

Only try communal anything if you honestly do not care financially or emotionally about losing some, most, or even possibly all of the Ts involved in the project.


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2003
Buspirone there was a scattering, and one table that had a bunch but outside the cash range I had with me. :p
Not that they didn't have one or two or ten or twenty I and the twins wanted....
Had a hell of a time getting the big deli thing a big T. blondi was in away from Eden. It was love at first sight but I couldn't afford her. :p....
I guess I'm lucky he and the other table with a few big Blondi's didn't do credit cards....
Eden was Pissed. But one day I'll get her a blondi.
I got one pink toe for 8 at one table and the other four for 6 apiece at another. Twins wanted them,,, wanted two each,, and my husband actualy claimed the 5th for himself and this is the man that hated spiders,, and thought the T's were creepy as hell.

Looks like another might be hooked in this adictive hobby...
jwb121377, I think so, I have his card around here someplace but it was a bit nuts by then. I had already said no to about ten billion things the twins had wanted and they were getting tired and touchy.
Between picking out a few for them, getting Alicia to take her sisters to the car so I could get the picking out done, doing quick estimates on how much gas I had to get back to Baltimore on after I dropped gas money into the pink toes. lol....
And the lids were really blurry so it was hard to actualy see them good.
But they were inexpensive and though a lil skinny and in need of some TLC I knew once home and in nice tubs with a few crickets and fresh water they would be fine.
I got two males and two females from him. I won't breed them together cause most likel;y their from the same sack. But the Other female is clearly seperate being bigger and more developed then thos. And I already have a few females and another male I'm picking up once I get the money from someplace else.
I mean.
hell the twins wanted them and the price was right and I Did have to say no an awful lot and they were Very good about understanding they couldn't have the other things...
Godzilla, Jacen,SpiderTwin, and Code.
Though the experiement had crossed my mind. They are going to be kept seperatly. I just don't want to risk them no matter how "cheap" they were. The twins adore them and they all have their own houses now.
One molted from the table to the car, and was finished by the time I got the girls buckled in... It had flipped over on the way out the door and I peeked in on them. I checked him out after buckling the kids up and he was finished and is fine and dandy and cute as a button now.
Lopez, gonna get pics real soon. :)
If everyone doesn't know it by now I'm a picture taking NUT.
I'm just giving them time to hydrate and fatten up a bit and get used to having room and a clean nice space to live in.
And letting the one harden up in peace for a bit.

All and all. It ended up I had gas money. Found a ten spot on the way back to the car.
But as it ended up I had enough to get home without stopping.
The twins were tired, I was tired. Alicia was tired.
But it was a nice day and we had fun prowling the show.
the twins Loved and wanted Everything.
Maybe one day we'll get some snakes and or lizards. Used to have a few when I was young. But my husband is deathly afraid of snakes so prolly not....
But thats something for the future, not now.
Right now I have my ketle full of enough work with our little zoo. :D


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Well if they were adults then they didn't come from wade. Also wades inverts never need tlc, he gives them lots of that.