I have been thinking about this subject for quite a long time now, and I have found now reason to take animals out of the wild except to start off ONE pair in captivity, other than that, it is not necessary. I have been to many countries in central america where you will see a lush rainforest and then a whole bunch of burning bush and coffee plants right next to them. If you buy WC animals then you are supporting people who make a living off destroying (in effect) the world. I don't know if any of you guys have seen Planet Earth but man that really got me inspired. In 20 years there will be no more WC because there will be no more wild T's or reptiles. For instance take pokies, they have been collected and collected that they may not see 2010(got this info from swifts and from various other places). but we as a community can stop this by buying from people who support CB T's. By doing this you can get good animals and support CB breeders.I also people need to see the world to appreciate how much diversity and how much life there is to fully understand what I am saying, there is still a lot to save. This was just on my mind and I am ranting so take it for what you will.:wall: