water for slings


Apr 21, 2017
So I have a B.Vagans sling and its only about... 1/4". So I keep it in a large pill bottle (transferred it from another container that was much too big) and the issue with this transfer is.. well this pill bottle is too small for any real water dish. My other sling, a 3/4" stays in another container just big enough for some room on the top to walk and a soda bottle cap as a water dish. But this pill bottle, there'd be almost no walking space if i put the cap in. I cant seem to find anything smaller to keep water in, so for now I just carefully put droplets of water along the side of the container with an eye dropper. What do you think I should do? Should I continue to just leave water droplets, or should I perhaps wait till it burrows, then put the pop cap in since it tends not to walk around much once its little burrows made? or should I just keep leaving water droplets for it? any help would be appreciated!


Oct 4, 2016
I have raised a bunch of little guys without a water dish. Keep 1/4 of the dirt moist and they will be good. Obviously, give them a dish once you move them to a bigger container to make it easier on yourself.


Oct 4, 2016
I tried several tiny water dishes when I was new to spiderlings. They hold such a small amount of water that you need to refill them more than just spraying the dirt every few days. Tiny slings do better on moist substrate anyhow, but most keepers are paranoid about no water dish.

Marc saxby

Sep 1, 2017
I tried several tiny water dishes when I was new to spiderlings. They hold such a small amount of water that you need to refill them more than just spraying the dirt every few days. Tiny slings do better on moist substrate anyhow, but most keepers are paranoid about no water dish.

The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
I use upturned Monopoly houses/hotels for sling water dishes now but I used to just put in a small clump of long fibre sphagnum moss and pipette a few drops of water onto that every few days (it holds water very well so they'll just climb onto it and suck water out of it), in a vial it also doubles as a hide so the sling may burrow underneath it.

miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
Personally, I don't find it dangerous to provide water dishes to any size specimen. All of my Ts get water, even the ones the size of ants. I bought a silicone ice cube tray off of amazon. 55 tiny water dishes for a few dollars. I only have to fill them every 4-5 days because they're nice and deep but not so wide the sling can't easily dip their faces into it.

Note: Yes, there is a sling in that picture. Need a hint? look by my finger.


Apr 21, 2013
Keep the substrate slightly moistened and feed heavily. I've never had an issue with them this way. Always fat and happy. Vials and portion cups are great for keeping the moisture where I want it. Trying to use little acrylic containers with large vents dries everything out too fast.

clive 82

Sep 11, 2016
Keep the substrate slightly moistened and feed heavily. I've never had an issue with them this way. Always fat and happy. Vials and portion cups are great for keeping the moisture where I want it. Trying to use little acrylic containers with large vents dries everything out too fast.
Agreed. I find using vials ok. Yes lack of ventilation could be an issue but don't go OTT with wetting the substrate & I find it OK. Its just a case of visually monitoring the substate. I use coco fibre & gauge the dampness of it by the colour of the sub.
As @The Grym Reaper mentioned a little sphagnum moss works a treat in keeping humidity up & as a source of moisture.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Water droplets are only useful if the T is thirsty at the moment the water is there, a few hours later it's gone. The same can be said for TINY water bowls. I provide mine small bowls because I like to avoid mold, but more importantly mites.


Aug 25, 2016
My little guys don't have any dishes, despite there being room for one. They come out of the burrows when they feel the substrate being sprayed and start sucking the substrate, it's cute when they go bottoms up lol. 6x 1\2"-1" brachypelma albopilosum slings. I've had plenty of luck without water dishes for young'uns.

miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
My little guys don't have any dishes, despite there being room for one. They come out of the burrows when they feel the substrate being sprayed and start sucking the substrate, it's cute when they go bottoms up lol. 6x 1\2"-1" brachypelma albopilosum slings. I've had plenty of luck without water dishes for young'uns.
Yes buttttttt that means that they were so thirsty that they had to seize the opportunity to drink. When do you drink? Is it when someone gives you a bottle of water, or is it when you are thirsty?

Tarantulas need to be able to drink when they are thirsty. If you're nervous over them drowning, don't be. I can pull up a ton of videos on the subject.

Especially at this size? Water is SO crucial to healthy molting. They drink a lot in pre-molt and then need a healthy drink after molting. Slings are great for 'surprise' molts given how fast they can go through the process. In my opinion it's best to let them decide when they need to drink.


Aug 25, 2016
Yes buttttttt that means that they were so thirsty that they had to seize the opportunity to drink. When do you drink? Is it when someone gives you a bottle of water, or is it when you are thirsty?

Tarantulas need to be able to drink when they are thirsty. If you're nervous over them drowning, don't be. I can pull up a ton of videos on the subject.

Especially at this size? Water is SO crucial to healthy molting. They drink a lot in pre-molt and then need a healthy drink after molting. Slings are great for 'surprise' molts given how fast they can go through the process. In my opinion it's best to let them decide when they need to drink.
I mist the corner every day, and they get cricket legs every two days. Theyre well hydrated. The one that comes out every time to drink molted, I think premolt has to do with how thirsty my growing slings are.