Wanted: Pictures of Brachypelma spp.


Old Timer
Nov 28, 2005
I’m trying to make a list over all the Brachypelma tarantulas with pictures.
The list is to be found here -> http://www.chi.1go.dk/The%20Brachypelma%20List/p&n.html
For the time being I just have a picture of B. vagans. And since I just have a B. smithi sling myself it’s a little difficult to fix a picture for all the tarantulas. Therefore I have to ask, if you can help me with the pictures that’s missing.

Requirement for the pictures:
1. It must be simple to recognize the tarantula, since that is the whole point with the list.
2. The tarantulas have to be an adult

* I will paste the pink tarantula on the picture.
* If you want to I will add your name or a nickname you use on the Internet linking to a profile. And of course can you be anonymous if you want to ;)

If you have a picture it can be send to Webamaster@Vampir.zzn.com

In advance: Thank you :worship:
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