Soon I will be a jobless college student with very little money to feed pets. I want to start some sort of feeder colony to feed Ts, emperer scorp, small pixie frog, small American bull frog, and a chameleon.
I've been debating between roaches and crickets. I hear people swear by roaches. However, I hear they take a while to get a solid breeding colony going. Crickets seem to get colonies started ealier, but they make noise.
What are your thoughts? What kind of colony should I start? If you suggest another food (mealworms, waxworms, etc.) please share.
- James
I've been debating between roaches and crickets. I hear people swear by roaches. However, I hear they take a while to get a solid breeding colony going. Crickets seem to get colonies started ealier, but they make noise.
What are your thoughts? What kind of colony should I start? If you suggest another food (mealworms, waxworms, etc.) please share.
- James