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Vitalius roseus


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2005
I bred my V. roseus about three weeks ago. Sure enough she laid an eggsack last night. To be honest I was expecting her to lay but not quite so quickly. I believe that this is the second or third breeding in the U.S. but if i am incorrect please correct me. I am most likely going to let her have the sac for 30 days so they are at the eggs with legs stage. I will post some pics soon. Thanks


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2005
Vitalius Roseus sac #2

Well lets first start with she ate the first sac. Well after much pumping of food and hooking her back up with the male I got her to double clutch which I was very pleased I didn't have to wait for her to molt again. I think the first eggsack was bad but we'll see about this one. This eggsack is twice the size of the first one that she laid. I am going to watch her closely this time and see how things go..