I was gonna get my webcam ready and he was already done sitting by his water dish. All that was left was the mouse's head and the spine coming out of it. Very messy eater.
Brutal, huh? Your pede didn't waste any time acclimating did he? Straight to the grub! Did you have fun transferring it from the deli cup to it's enclosure? Can't wait to see some pics either. Congrats Alonso.
He was covered with some paper towel in the deli cup, I opened the cup and set it inside the 10 gallon tank, with a plastic fork I removed the paper towel, and then slowly started to lift the deli cup. The pede came out quick and started running around, once it had calmed down I offered it food. Im gonna get pics soon.
hes the purple with yellow leg kind. There are so many diff subspinipes out there.
Wow, that brings back memories....I had like ten of these crazy amimals and they almost gave me a nervous breakdown.They were forever trying to escape and they were always stone vicious and wild.I used to love to watch them go off on the pinky and fuzzy mice that I would feed them.It was brutal to see how they dispatched the mice - the mice would scream bloody murder as the pede sank its fangs into the mouses head...it was nasty to be sure...I love pedes but I became very concerned about the possibility of a bite occuring with the amount of pedes that I had and also the possibility of an escape.The Vietnamese pede has a particularly nasty bite with a lot of possible complications so I eventually decided to part with my pedes and stick to good old Tarantulas and scorpions....at least I can sleep soundly now as I used to have the pedes right near my bed and I could hear them trying to escape all nite long....it made for some interesting nitemares!!!!!!!!!=D
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