Very active betta fish


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2006
yes indeed to each his own. However most of my info was given to me from V.parnell. she supplied me my first pair of HM's and continued to do so until recently. she has left the hobby for a bit due to life problems. my "active" breeders as you put happen to be very succesful and each has his/her own site people such as jim sonnier and ms. faith of bettatalk. also i would like to add they each recomend FD and hint that it is better than frozen. advanced studies have been made and found that because FD is so rapid it locks in most nutrients where as frozen is slower and the thaw and refreeze process helps lose nutrients. no doubt live is the best but who wants to culture mosquito larva? daphnia grow too slow, brine shrimp #1 is VERY unnatural and causes swim bladder disease if feed too much and #2 has a high mortality rate, black worms are scarce and even though stores claim clean it is still a risk. i just realised that you were talking about hikari pellets? pellets are the worst thing you can feed a betta, they swell up in the fish and cause the fish to feel miserable until they digest them? that knowledge has been around for many many years? at least 10+. i lose fish to age or genetics. ohh and phil has been out since 05. and frozen food is linked to dropsy now. i say it was poor care from the owners. you should read up the advances on the IBC site. mabye there was a time where FD caused death but that is long and gone as FD is mostly accepted as a good staple. ohh and i have been keeping betats for 9 years and do not remember that at all.
i think if we need continue on this topic it goes to pm.


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2006
nice little guy. well if i had known people liked bettas here i would have started selling my stock here a while ago. here is a male i will sell here in a few weeks
Halfmoon to over half moon male multicolored 4 months old when i sell him

PLZ do not copy the pic or at least give credit to me.


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2006
so is the flake/freeze dried bloodworm combo suitable as a staple along with the frozen bloodworms? I usually go back and forth with the two over the course of the week.. every couple days I just let them have the thawed worms whereas the rest of the time it is the freezedried and flake combo.


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2006
Wow that fish is beautiful joseofsa! I wish they had fish like those in pet stores, hehe. How much would a fish like that cost? Im going to keep trying to get a better shot of mine. Black/brown may not be flashy but I like it {D


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2006
if your lucky $25 but i got the mom and dad at 30 each but if you breed them like me they pay for themselves. Ohh i LOVE veiltails if it was not for the VT we would not have halfmoons and such i alway manage to rescue one when i go to the pet store. that is a chocolate mustard gas and is indeed beautiful in its own respect. i dislike the fact that in the show comunity people look down on VT's.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006

PLZ do not copy the pic or at least give credit to me.
WOW :eek: Now that’s a pretty fish. My Betta came from the boardwalk :mad: they have hundreds at game stands and if you throw this in to that you get a Betta. Very sad!!!


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
Actually I talked the girl in to giving him to me I made her feel really guilty about working there :evil: haha. It was a friends little sister. I would never give such a place business.


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2006
LOL yeah good point. luckyly we have not had a carnival for a while here except for the rodeo but i never see that game there.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
LOL yeah good point. luckyly we have not had a carnival for a while here except for the rodeo but i never see that game there.
They have quite a few stands at the shore here…..they are fairly new only started seeing them around in the last couple years.


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2006
heres some shots I took of my Bettas.

Betta 1

Betta 2

Betta 3

Betta 4

thats it.. unfortunately Betta 3 was harder to catch :D not easy takin shots of these guys!


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2006
wow that is the purest green from a pet store fish i have ever seen! great find. all of them except #1 look GREAT looks like he has seen some battle in his past, porbably from when he was growing up at the fish farm. for being in fish goldfish homes they look happy and active.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I hope you do some research on your new Betta and he lives a long and healthy life for you.

joseofsa, your condescending tone is uncalled for here. I don't appreciate it, as I am sure there are others who don't. It always amazes me how rude people can be while they "hide" behind their pc. I wasn't rude to you or insulting in any way. My life doesn't revolve around breeding fish either, so please forgive me if I don't go and spend hours reading the IBC site for "updates". Btw, you were the one that called your fish "active" breeders, not me.

Enjoy your fish! :D


Curator of glass boxes
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
The myth got started that in Thailand bettas live in flooded buffalo hoof prints, I guess after a heavy rain when the rice patty fields flooded, and then the roads dry out leaving puddles from the buffalo prints, and the bettas get stranded in them. Still that's the wild, this is a pet store, they can afford a bigger tank!

Anyway a betta in front of a mirror will get very excited, and normally an active betta is a healthy one, although yours will be much happier in a larger tank, like you have him in now.
They live in ricefields, and actually spend a portion of the year in a mud puddle and are exposed to others in the flood seasons and most of the males kill They seem to fair better in a planted or fake planted tank with room....sound like a firey little betta.


Curator of glass boxes
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
I hope you do some research on your new Betta and he lives a long and healthy life for you.

joseofsa, your condescending tone is uncalled for here. I don't appreciate it, as I am sure there are others who don't. It always amazes me how rude people can be while they "hide" behind their pc. I wasn't rude to you or insulting in any way. My life doesn't revolve around breeding fish either, so please forgive me if I don't go and spend hours reading the IBC site for "updates". Btw, you were the one that called your fish "active" breeders, not me.

Enjoy your fish! :D
:worship: she has spoken....silence falls upon the thread.....eeeeewwwweeeeeh ch ch chhhh ch ch ch chhhh.....


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2006
yeah thanks.. the fiorst one isnt actually beat up at all he just has some deformities in the tips of his fins.. but that is okay I still love him :) if anyone looks crappy IMO its the last one haha he was a walmart rescue. :p and yes I was very pleased to find my nice green one.. it was super teeny and young when I got it so I am happy it grew well under my care.


Curator of glass boxes
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Ask Victoria Parnell or Phil Lafferty or some of the ol' school breeders what they think of Freeze Dried... and compare life spans, etc.

To each his own, but I've seen the results of feeding FD anything. When I had the time and used to moderate on a Betta Forum, we saw numerous cases with dying fish... cause? always FD in their diets, among other factors.

Your "active" breeders would condition much better on their natural diets... LIVE is best. I keep hatcheries and cultures going at all times for my fish, even when I'm not breeding.
Wow......Im going to goto all my breeders right now and relay this breaking post. You are truly a cornerstone of the entire betta community....may we create a statue of you in a the shadow of a wanning moon....and christen it on the opening day of betta breeding season to bask in the glory that is the almighty betta god....I really do worship the betta god. he is forgiving and perfect in every way. his only son died for us on the filter intake for all to see. Such compasion....such sacrifice.


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2006
first off i have no tone but a misunderstanding in the reading of your text is what happened. i thought you were talking about my friends who breed bettas not my fish who breed. so i do apologise for getting defencive in that respect. I do not spend hours reading updates i am active in the hobby while the new finds take place so i learn as i go. My life does revolve around breeding bettas and reptiles that is how i make my living so being well informed in the most efficent ways of rasing my animals is a must. I am not talking out my butt sure i can understand if you left the hobby many have but things have changed and your info, no matter the intent could and would lead some to believe they are slowly killing their pets because some outdated info has been spread. also, like with most hobbies these days it is not cheap and makeing them believe they should buy expencive frozen food or expencive name brand foods as the only way to go is not right.
maam if i may, i am not "hideing" nor have i ever hidden if a-boards could be a big face to face meeting i would be there and say what i said to your face. i am not trying to sound tough because its pointless over the net 90% of the people who talk can't walk the walk. im in the 10% and it sounds like you are too. so i felt i was not rude but you did so i apologise to you and yes i will admit that maybe if i read the post twice maybe we would be in a friendly mood instead of being aggresive.
secondly... nich... i already got in trouble for being rude today so plz refrain from typeing anything for the next few months...maybe a year...plz
any-who i do hope the slate can be scrubed clean aneesas.