What plants are you using? I just did an enclosure for our A.avic just to try. Built a false bottom for drainage using hydroton,fiberglass screen, and then a mix of 80% ecoearth/20% vermiculite. Planted a fittonia, its living so far. I also seeded the substrate with springtails as the avic never touches the ground anyway.I am using coconut fiber (eco earth), I found that vermiculite was just too hard and it might hurt my beautiful avic versi and aic amazonica. I planted some live plants in their terrariums and I found it really helps the humidity if you put aquarium gravel underneath your substrate( This was my idea ) . We dont need to mist the terrariums that much anymore. The live plants help keep humidity high and my Avics are spinning all over the live plants more so than the artifical plants I had in there before. If anyone has any questions on how to do this please feel free to ask.
What plants are you using? I just did an enclosure for our A.avic just to try. Built a false bottom for drainage using hydroton,fiberglass screen, and then a mix of 80% ecoearth/20% vermiculite. Planted a fittonia, its living so far. I also seeded the substrate with springtails as the avic never touches the ground anyway.