Vent holes too large -- remediation?

Little Spider Lover

Sep 6, 2023
Got my first sling today and in my overexcitement, I made ventilation holes that might be a little too large. Sling is 3/4", and the holes are 1/8" diameter. I'm thinking of putting painters tape on the inside and poking holes through with the tip of my pen. Is there anything that could go wrong with this method? Am I overthinking the vent hole size and everything is actually totally fine? Thanks!


Arachnosupporter +
Feb 15, 2022
Compare the size of the vent hole to the size of the sling's carapace -- they can squeeze through any hole the same size as or larger than their carapace.

I'm not sure about putting tape on the inside. I think folks have put a little piece of paper over the vent hole, and taped over the paper...that way the tape is still on the outside, but there's no sticky surface exposed to the spider?

You could also dab over them with hot glue if you have that on hand (with your sling in a catch up first of course) if they really are too large.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Compare the size of the vent hole to the size of the sling's carapace -- they can squeeze through any hole the same size as or larger than their carapace.

I'm not sure about putting tape on the inside. I think folks have put a little piece of paper over the vent hole, and taped over the paper...that way the tape is still on the outside, but there's no sticky surface exposed to the spider?

You could also dab over them with hot glue if you have that on hand (with your sling in a catch up first of course) if they really are too large.
That’s the general way to do it , generally you can tell by comparing the spiders
Body and abdomen size to the ventilation holes and have a good guess if it can make it through. Best of luck 🤞!!

Little Spider Lover

Sep 6, 2023
Compare the size of the vent hole to the size of the sling's carapace -- they can squeeze through any hole the same size as or larger than their carapace.

I'm not sure about putting tape on the inside. I think folks have put a little piece of paper over the vent hole, and taped over the paper...that way the tape is still on the outside, but there's no sticky surface exposed to the spider?

You could also dab over them with hot glue if you have that on hand (with your sling in a catch up first of course) if they really are too large.
Thanks for the input, I did the paper and tape method. Sling seems happy and started webbing as soon as I moved him in.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Got my first sling today and in my overexcitement, I made ventilation holes that might be a little too large. Sling is 3/4", and the holes are 1/8" diameter. I'm thinking of putting painters tape on the inside and poking holes through with the tip of my pen. Is there anything that could go wrong with this method? Am I overthinking the vent hole size and everything is actually totally fine? Thanks!
Wrong measurement- measure carapace


Jan 17, 2020
You want to make sure the holes aren’t larger than the carapace or it could escape regardless of how large the abdomen is!


Jan 15, 2023
Got my first sling today and in my overexcitement, I made ventilation holes that might be a little too large. Sling is 3/4", and the holes are 1/8" diameter. I'm thinking of putting painters tape on the inside and poking holes through with the tip of my pen. Is there anything that could go wrong with this method? Am I overthinking the vent hole size and everything is actually totally fine? Thanks!
Be careful doing it that way realistically the ventilation holes that you have should be fine if they are half the size of your t. I have seen tarantula feet get stuck to tape so I would be very careful trying this realistically what you could do if you're worried is just get a smaller temporary terrarium until your spider molts once and it should be more than big enough not to be able to escape through the ventilation holes but you should be okay


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Like everyone has said don’t make any vents wider then your Ts carpace I had a 7” lp sneak out of a 2x3” slot vent earlier this year that was fun to catch .