Venomous Snake Fans


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
Its simply not feasible for many keepers, especially those with more than a few animals.

The facts are that they do perfectly fine in rubbermaid containers. Just because your anthropomorphic tendencies are against it, doesn't invalidate what other people do.
It has been scientifically proven that animals in more naturalistic habitats do better psychologically. I can find scientific papers on the subject if you would like to see them. They do ok in rubbermaid containers but do they really thrive? There is a significant difference.

And for the record people are free to do what ever they want. If you want to keep your snakes in a rubbermaid container that is your own issue. I have seen hundreds of venomous snake habitats that are beautiful. They are highly ascetically pleasing and VERY safe. The snakes act completely different than being stuffed in a rubbermaid next to their own stool.

Also with the rubbermaids why not make the rubbermaid itself look naturalistic? Why not buy one large enough to put plants and hiding areas etc. in them?

It is interesting how offended you got just merely because I stated my opinion. I wonder if inside you know it is wrong to build a giant collection of reptiles and take minimal care of them. I would be willing to bet money that the type of people that keep their animals this way pay little to no money for the animals health care.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
Haha...."psychologically"? Show me a paper that states that about reptiles.

You sure assume alot about the evil people who keep their animals in rubbermaids. I'm one of those people and I guarantee my animals are as well taken care of as ANYbody.

You call such husbandry "minimal" care.....when dealing with many reptiles, most don't thrive with constant attention. Minimal care is many cases is perfect. I've seen breeders' collections with hundreds of animals in rubbermaids that were flawless and sterling examples of their species....I've also seen naturalistic enclosures housing animals on death's door.

Just because YOU don't understand the workings of how to keep certain animals is no reason to villify those who do.


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
I'll post some good links or I will just post the article. And do you have any idea what I do for a living?

How do I not understand? What's not to understand? I do not know why you are so offended by this. I already said I do not care what you do with your reptiles. I really think this bothers you because you know I'm right.

You are just an online person. I could care less what you think. I just love debating! Go back to hording reptiles in little Tupperware containers. Like I said I would willing to bet that you do not spend any money on veterinary expenses for the reptiles. Has one of your animals even had a fecal checked?


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
I don't care what you do for a obviously have little to no real knowledge or experience with captive reptile husbandry.

I can't stand it when uppity anthropomorphic folk like you who have no idea what they're talking about try to villify the people who know what they're doing.

The guy who does the viperkeeper videos has over 30 years of venomous snake experience and works closely with several zoological parks and other scientific institutions. I've met him in person and seen his animals. I DARE you to find somebody with more knowledge and a better collection of animals.

I don't have to spend money on vet expenses, mostly because my animals are HEALTHY, but also because I know how to do most of that crap myself. I can do a fecal float. I can ascertain 95% of the health issues I run across and handle them myself. Most vets don't know a Corn Snake from a Rock Python, so why waste money and time on them?

You'd probably run to Petsmart's Banfield Vet like Chicken Little if you found mites on one of your snakes, lol.


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
This is hilarious! I wound be willing to bet money that you do not know half of the clinical signs for even the most common reptile diseases. And I would also bet that would could not do a fecal. That idea is so funny to me. This thread itself is a joke.

I said I didn't agree with the method of keeping the reptiles. I also said that it was not best for the reptile. I also said that viper keeper guy seemed really cool. You are angry because I obviously hit a nerve somewhere.

And if you know so much about reptile medicine then how does one treat mites in snakes? I do not want to get in trouble for taking this thread out of control because I was stating my opinion. So I am not going to reply anymore.

But this really funny. And because I am bored tonight this is amusing... seriously entertaining. You are nothing but text on a computer. Just like I am nothing to you except for text on a computer. Just enjoy the debate.

And for future reference I would bet $1,000,000 that you are the one who does not know what they are taking about.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2004
This is hilarious! I wound be willing to bet money that you do not know half of the clinical signs for even the most common reptile diseases. And I would also bet that would could not do a fecal. That idea is so funny to me. This thread itself is a joke.
Try me. :)

And if you know so much about reptile medicine then how does one treat mites in snakes?
Super easy.....the most effective product on the market for treating snake mites is without a doubt Provent-A-Mite, which consists of the active ingredient Permithrin.

I enjoy a debate also, but perhaps you should educate yourself on reptile husbandry a bit before you go stepping in over your head. Reptiles are not puppy dogs.....they don't suffer "psychologically" from being kept in rubbermaids. lol