trip to france

t man{tal}

Old Timer
Feb 12, 2003
im going with my father to france this week
we will go to paris and nants

does anybody know a good pet shop that sells ts
in this area

thanks in advance


Celestial Spider
Old Timer
Feb 13, 2003
Befor you look for a pet shop you need to find out if you
can take the T's home with you. Some countries have laws
about taking certain animals out. Also check to see if you
will be aloud to bring them home.
It would be sad to get a new T and have the customs people
take it. Find out if there is a quarantine time too.

t man{tal}

Old Timer
Feb 12, 2003
dont worry about that stuff

i was in hanover a few weeks ago and brought an
h. lividum and p.irminia both grown females and had no
problems at all
i just took the ts in my hand bag with heat packs

and what they dont know wont hurt them right
and even if they did find them i dont think it would be a problem

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Originally posted by t man{tal}

and even if they did find them i dont think it would be a problem
No offense, but it's kind of obvious from the rest of your post that you really don't understand your country's laws well enough to make such an assumption. You seem to be the fortunate victim of dumb luck, rather than a citizen of a country that "doesn't have a problem with it." I would be VERY, VERY careful assuming that just because you sneaked them through one time without getting caught, that you would be able to do it again... please, for the good of the hobby, it's worth a couple of hours of your time to find out the actual laws concerning this, and then just play by the rules. What T's are you going to find in France that you can't get in Israel anyway?

t man{tal}

Old Timer
Feb 12, 2003
and from your post i can understand that you never been here have you

the only ts i could find here (belive me i did the search)
were curlys and mexican red knees

and for 1 i already have these spec
and for 2 i can not settele for only 2 ts now can i
let alone with out old world tarantulas

and btw i did find your post offensive
Last edited:


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
I don't see anything offensive about Mr. Interent's comments unless mature rational reasoning is offensive to you. At this point in the thread you have basically admitted that you are willing to commit a potentially serious crime. Anyone who would help you find and obtain the animals could be considered an accomplice to a crime if you are caught. You should discuss your intention with your father and get the appropriate information to adhere to the laws of the two countries you are traveling between. No one is saying that you shouldn't be able to increase the diversity of your collection as long as its done within the letter of the law, otherwise your actions not only will cause you and your family potential trouble but could make other intvertebrate entusiasts in the hobby look bad in public and governmental eyes.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Yeah... wow, I wasn't meaning in THAT way... that's why I said "no offense", because I was more offering advice and pointing out that you don't quite have all the information you need to make an intelligent decision concerning this. My reply and my suggestions were with "the good of the hobby" in mind... your reply to that was with "but I want more T's" in mind... I'm not going to argue over who has the high ground here, but give me a break, I was just trying to help.

I wish I could enumerate for you the countless people that have been slapped with SEVERE federal penalties because of border violations here in the States... and I know for a fact that Israel's border regulations are as strict as the States', if not stricter. I was just trying to caution to be very, very careful that you do not ASSUME that there is no problem, simply because you sneaked a couple of T's across once before.

My advice, and the advice of pretty much EVERYONE who has ever responded to one of these threads on "cross-border transport without legal documentation *wink, wink*" is that you should not do it, unless you can track down FOR SURE the legal ramifications and the requisite documentation needed for such an import.

Who knows, maybe this could lead to you being the first T distributor in Israel? Once you educate yourself in the regulations, maybe you can then justify spending the money to acquire the necessary permits and fees for importing from one of our wholesalers here in the States, or from one of the numerous suppliers in Germany or other Euro states.

Again, I'm trying to save you some grief... I have the feeling that you will end up doing what you want, regardless of the advice you get here, but you can't say you weren't warned. Most likely you would be able to sneak them back across with no problems, but what if there ARE problems? Is it really worth it? They don't just take the animal and say, "ok, now go on through" ... they confiscate the animal, arrest you, and charge you with multiple counts, FOR EACH ANIMAL.

At least that's how it's done here in the States... mre power to you if Israel is more relaxed... I highly doubt it though.

Check with your Ministry of the Interior or Ministry of Environment... they should at least be able to tell you who to talk to.

Oh, and welcome to Arachnopets... :D If you're going to take every piece of helpful advice that personally, you'll be talking to the walls before too long...

t man{tal}

Old Timer
Feb 12, 2003
hey you guys im sorry i mean we are the children of this amazing

i just want you to know your point was well taken and i have begun the search for custom laws

and i am sorry for being all grumpy i just had a
realy messed up day

and pede no ofense was taken i know it was an advise its just when i am grumpy i get an additude

t man{tal}

Old Timer
Feb 12, 2003
well my flight is in about 5hours and i dont think i will be able to get ts from france.
:( :( :(

but ahahahahahahaha
i just talked to the guy that owns a pet shop(the only pet shop that sells tarantulas in israel )
and he told me that he knows a guy that used to live in france
and worked with some pet shops in france

and he told me he has a permit and can order me what ever t
i want

so excuse me while i go screaming in joy;P ;P =D =D =D :}


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002
By the way, t man, may I introduce you to Tom (Mister Internet)... one of our MODERATORS. ;P :} :rolleyes:

Our moderators were hand picked by the webmaster, Scott (mrderanged), and I tend to think he has a good judge of character. If any of them were ever out of line, Scott would take care of it. Otherwise, don't question the moderators. ;)



Old Timer
Sep 22, 2002
Your post makes me frown a bit Keeygrl. Just for your information.

Anyways, nice luck then TmanTal.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by kellygirl
Otherwise, don't question the moderators. ;)

My Biology TA gave us some advice to the road to success in life. S.T.E.A.K. I forget what S, T, E, and A stand for, but K stands for Kiss ass. ;P


Celestial Spider
Old Timer
Feb 13, 2003
....and he told me he has a permit and can order me what ever t
i want.............

See, all you had to do was ASK!
Now you can expand your collection without the worry of
ending up in some nasty jail cell :eek:


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
Originally posted by kellygirl
Our moderators were hand picked by the webmaster, Scott (mrderanged), and I tend to think he has a good judge of character. If any of them were ever out of line, Scott would take care of it. Otherwise, don't question the moderators. ;)
It isn't us, or even Scott, you have to worry about. Debby is the one that'll get you.



Old Timer
Oct 2, 2002
Let me tell you a little story......

I know you've decided to do the right thing, but let me tell you a little story about a girl, some German Shepherds an expensive lawyer, and a fine the size of 2 mortgage payments......(See stupidest ticket in the world thread, watering hole). Don't jack around with federal authorities. When I am tempted to do something stupid, I have a lifetime of insanity to look back on and remind me of the cost of blatant disregard for authority. One advantage of being young is that you can learn from your elders and keep yourself from a world of hurt ;)

FYI...although you maynot find that someone has done THE exact stupid thing you are contemplating, many situations can be extrapolated and massaged to fit your particular situation:} :} :}

Plese note this is all related with the utmost respect and in good humour.

Kelly O


She Who Rules AKA Thread Killer
Staff member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by skinheaddave
It isn't us, or even Scott, you have to worry about. Debby is the one that'll get you.


;P ;P ;P



Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002
Originally posted by lam
My Biology TA gave us some advice to the road to success in life. S.T.E.A.K. I forget what S, T, E, and A stand for, but K stands for Kiss ass. ;P
Why would I have any reason to brownnose anyways? I already won the T. blondi!!! ;P ;P ;P

Just kidding. ;) It may appear like I am kissing @$$ but I truly do respect the people that moderate here. The only one I haven't talked to outside of the boards is Debbie... and she's got a scary avatar so I'll respect her regardless of her character! ;) :} ;)



She Who Rules AKA Thread Killer
Staff member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by kellygirl
The only one I haven't talked to outside of the boards is Debbie... and she's got a scary avatar so I'll respect her regardless of her character! ;) :} ;)



All you have to do is say "Hi" ..... ;P
