Transfering millipede babies to a new container?


Dec 9, 2022
Hi, as the title says, Im thinking about transfering Atopochetus dollfusii babies from big communal tank to a box. A lot of them hatched few months ago and they are growing steadily, thriving and overall doing good. However I got two new, medium sized millipedes and introduced them to the communal tank so there are now 7 adult millipedes, 3 underground molting. I doubt they could harm the babies but I guess fresh substrate and more space could do good for the pedelings. There are a lot of big and small branches in the tank so more free and open space in a box could be nice for them too, along with all the food for themselves. I wanted to transfer them to a box with ready, bioactive substrate with springtails, along with some of the substrate and their frass from the communal tank. What are your thoughts on this and maybe someone done that before? Im not new to millipedes and know my stuff but those my first pedelings of my fav species and dont want to kill them by accident lol. Thanks in advance!


Jun 29, 2023
in this particular case with molting being a concern with the babies and adults, I would simply have a new bin ready and carefully sift through only the top couple inches of substrate and transfer them over as you find them, no need to do it all at once, simply get as many as you can, then just transfer them when you happen to spot them when checking on your adults. Another option would be to give the adults a new bin using a similar method, but it might go a little quicker since there are fewer and you can be certain you got them all, especially since there could potentially be more eggs in the substrate, then you would be back where you started when they hatch. As a disclaimer, I don't have experience with this particular species, but I would do this for any other species if transferring them to another bin.