Good luck on the breeding Botar.
I had to look up that Aphonoplema to know what it is.
Bolivian Salmon Pink.. Is that its name? Thats what it said on the web page i looked up.
Did you raise it from a sling? Is it a slow growing Aphonopelma?
Nice looking boy..
Actually MrT, it is an Acanthoscurria chacoana. Fairly quick grower compared to Aphonopelma. I acquired it a few months ago as a mature female. I don't get too upset about the males though as long as I can find a breeder with a female. Luckily Avatus located someone for me. I've got 5 males out on breeding loans so far and I'm pretty comfortable with the people to whom I've sent them. If I can score on one or two, I'd be happy.
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