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Thrixopelma pruriens (Peruvian Greenvelvet)

Ryan Bridgman

Jan 30, 2004
This actually happened last week to my wife. We have a 1" sling and we didn't know much about this species and assumed it was fairly docile. Anyway, the little guy bit my wife as she was doing container maintenance. I watched as she calmly removed her hand and replaced the lid, then looked at me and went deathly pale. Almost immediately (it seemed anyway) she started wheezing and had major breathing difficulties so I had some asthma inhaler which I gave her and got the guy next door to drive us to hospital. Anyway, the horrible wheezing (like rasping) continued all the way to hospital where they gave her some steroidal injections and that seemed to sort it out. She was in hospital for observation for a further 2 nights and was then discharged. No symptoms since then, but it was very scary at the time