Thinking of getting a rabbit


Old Timer
Jun 7, 2006
Do rabbits make good pets?? I read that they can be trained to use a litter box


Jun 29, 2006
Rabbits are good pets if they're the right pet for you. Do your homework. A great resource is
Rabbits can be litter trained. They should not be given free roam of your house without you there. When you aren't there they need to be in a roomy cage or pen. They love to chew. Kind of like breathing to them. Read up on bunny proofing your home. They need to be spayed or neutered. It can be expensive so it's often best to go for a rescue that comes already "fixed". They are considered exotic pets so most vets don't really know how to work with them.Check for a specialist in your area.
I have two rabbits myself and volunteer in my local humane society grooming and exercising rabbits. If you have any specific questions feel free to pm me.


Old Timer
Jun 7, 2006
Rabbits are good pets if they're the right pet for you. Do your homework. A great resource is
Rabbits can be litter trained. They should not be given free roam of your house without you there. When you aren't there they need to be in a roomy cage or pen. They love to chew. Kind of like breathing to them. Read up on bunny proofing your home. They need to be spayed or neutered. It can be expensive so it's often best to go for a rescue that comes already "fixed". They are considered exotic pets so most vets don't really know how to work with them.Check for a specialist in your area.
I have two rabbits myself and volunteer in my local humane society grooming and exercising rabbits. If you have any specific questions feel free to pm me.
Oh ok thanks, do you ever take your rabbits walking around the park or anything??


Jun 29, 2006
No, and I wouldn't advise it for most rabbits. They're prey animals. Situations that bring them into an open place make them very nervous. Out in the open, particularly during the day, they are much more visible to things like hawks, coyotes, foxes, and other natural predetors, not to mention dogs and cats. They're crepuscular creatures (most active at dawn and dusk) who like to stay fairly close to places they can escape into like shrubs and burrows etc. They're also one of the few creatures I know that can die of sheer fright. They have fragile backs and when startled can do things like hop wrong or kick out at something in defense and break their backs (happened to one of mine a long time ago).
The ones I've had like a routine, predictable life. They love to be petted but don't much like to be picked up (in nature the only things that pick them up eat them).


Old Timer
Jun 7, 2006
No, and I wouldn't advise it for most rabbits. They're prey animals. Situations that bring them into an open place make them very nervous. Out in the open, particularly during the day, they are much more visible to things like hawks, coyotes, foxes, and other natural predetors, not to mention dogs and cats. They're crepuscular creatures (most active at dawn and dusk) who like to stay fairly close to places they can escape into like shrubs and burrows etc. They're also one of the few creatures I know that can die of sheer fright. They have fragile backs and when startled can do things like hop wrong or kick out at something in defense and break their backs (happened to one of mine a long time ago).
The ones I've had like a routine, predictable life. They love to be petted but don't much like to be picked up (in nature the only things that pick them up eat them).
Oh i'm glad I asked then I would have made a very bad mistake taking my rabbit walking lol


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2006
You should get a flemish giant. They're a bit more difficult to find with a breeder that doesn't just have them for meat, but there are pet breeders out there. If you don't know, Flemish giants can weigh between 20-25 pounds; the largest recorded was 28. There are a few decent sites out there, search it. I've had three rabbits, they can be great or an absolute nightmare, so really do your research first. One of mine would sit beside me and demand to be petted, actually nipping me if/when I stopped. The other would scratch the hell out of my arm any time I got near it.
They are extremely territorial, and are probably one of the meanest 'cute and cuddly' creatures I know, with the exception of hamsters, to their own kind. The exception to this is siblings and or rabbits that have grown up together from kits. I actually believe the aggression mine was showing towards me was just bleedoff from the territorial dispute the two were having in my house. Moral: If you plan on having more than one, get them young and at the same time, there is no exception unless you just want to see rabbit blood and fur flying around.
General rule; the big ones are more easy going while the small ones are more high strung.
You should get one. They are fun to watch sprint around and do tricks when they jump. Their antics are very amusing. I'll probably get one again someday, but I have a couple of cats right now that I adopted from the mean lady next door that left her out for 1-2 weeks at a time to fend for herself among the strays.


Old Timer
Jun 7, 2006
You should get a flemish giant. They're a bit more difficult to find with a breeder that doesn't just have them for meat, but there are pet breeders out there. If you don't know, Flemish giants can weigh between 20-25 pounds; the largest recorded was 28. There are a few decent sites out there, search it. I've had three rabbits, they can be great or an absolute nightmare, so really do your research first. One of mine would sit beside me and demand to be petted, actually nipping me if/when I stopped. The other would scratch the hell out of my arm any time I got near it.
They are extremely territorial, and are probably one of the meanest 'cute and cuddly' creatures I know, with the exception of hamsters, to their own kind. The exception to this is siblings and or rabbits that have grown up together from kits. I actually believe the aggression mine was showing towards me was just bleedoff from the territorial dispute the two were having in my house. Moral: If you plan on having more than one, get them young and at the same time, there is no exception unless you just want to see rabbit blood and fur flying around.
General rule; the big ones are more easy going while the small ones are more high strung.
You should get one. They are fun to watch sprint around and do tricks when they jump. Their antics are very amusing. I'll probably get one again someday, but I have a couple of cats right now that I adopted from the mean lady next door that left her out for 1-2 weeks at a time to fend for herself among the strays.
Thanks for telling me I was planning on getting a small rabbit that would have been hell lol, I wasnt planning on getting two though


Old Timer
Oct 26, 2006
No, and I wouldn't advise it for most rabbits. They're prey animals. Situations that bring them into an open place make them very nervous. Out in the open, particularly during the day, they are much more visible to things like hawks, coyotes, foxes, and other natural predetors, not to mention dogs and cats. They're crepuscular creatures (most active at dawn and dusk) who like to stay fairly close to places they can escape into like shrubs and burrows etc. They're also one of the few creatures I know that can die of sheer fright. They have fragile backs and when startled can do things like hop wrong or kick out at something in defense and break their backs (happened to one of mine a long time ago).
The ones I've had like a routine, predictable life. They love to be petted but don't much like to be picked up (in nature the only things that pick them up eat them).
Excellent advice IMO


Old Timer
Jun 7, 2006
One more thing has anyone ever seen if they sell them at pet smart??

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
One more thing has anyone ever seen if they sell them at pet smart??
Don't buy one there. You'll regret it. The vast majority of chain pet stores carry animals which are inbred, disease-ridden, and carrying genetic disorders that may or may not kill them if the illnesses or behavioral issues don't do it first.

Find a breeder.


Old Timer
Oct 19, 2004
Better yet, find a rescue. Better still, find a rescue after Easter. You will be a hero. Many local bunny rescues get totally overwhelmed after Easter. I've had large and small bunnies, and have not experienced the size/ craziness ratio described, although my experience is limited to the 15 or so rabbits I have worked with. I had a tiny little lop-rex cross that was an absolute sweetheart, and a giant that was litterally the bunny from hell. We nick-named her "Bunzilla". Spend some time with your potential bunny and see how they act.

Our local Petco does not sell bunnies, but they play host to a local bunny rescue every Saturday. I have a feeling Petsmart may do the same. Amazingly, I am seeing the commercial petstores out here move away from selling companion animals, and move more into accessories, feeders, and fish. Petco in AZ finally quit selling rabbits, and large parrots. Now they just carry small animals (guinea pigs, ferrets, mice) and fish. Can't get them to quit selling iguanas though... :-( But I digress.

Good luck finding the right bunny for your family!


Jun 29, 2006
Definitely get from rescue. See if there are any House Rabbit Society chapters in your area. (See my earlier post in this thread for their web address.) That way you'll get one that's been spayed, been vet checked and our chapter will take it back if it doesn't work out. You'll also get a support system to help you with any questions and help you find a rabbit savy vet and the proper supplies in your area.
Also: I've volunteered with literally hundreds of rabbits over the past 10 years. I can truly say that only about 4 were really nasty. You have to understand them. They can be cage protective but you can work with that. I can't stress how many behavioral problems in rabbits can be solved by spaying and neutering.
For first rabbits I'd recommend the New Zeland white; your good sized plain old pink eyed white rabbit. The breed was developed for lab work. They have to be easy to deal with. Almost without exception they have been the most laid back easy going rabbits.
Please don't buy one. Shelters are overrun with them. Many shelters don't even take them just euthenize them. People don't seem to realize you can spay/neuter them.
I'll get off my soapbox now :eek: .


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2006

I would also encourage you not to buy one from petsmart. This is from personal experience, not an ethical ideal. I bought my last rabbit from a petstore, saw her on the first day of her arrival. She was very well behaved and even quite affectionate. I came back Saturday afternoon and her behavior had completely changed, irrevocably so, probably due to children harrassing her, tapping on the cage, noise, traffic, animal smells, etc. We got her anyway, and this was a mistake. Her behavior never did reflect the affection she showed the first day, and I think the pet store is truly at fault.

To follow up, as much as I want to suggest getting a 'rescue' rabbit, most rescues are not from good homes. If they had been, why would they need a rescue? There are exceptions, of course, but most have been abused, neglected, or otherwise traumatized in some way. Its behavior will reflect this, no matter how much you work with it. It will be extremely frustrating, (I can't emphasize this enough) and you'll probably get burned on the whole rabbit idea, just feeding it in its cage. Maybe not, but why risk it. I'd leave rescues to well experienced rabbit owners, the ones with rabbit rooms.
That having been said, I'd find a breeder who has just had kits and find one that is young enough to bond with you. You have a greater chance of success with a rabbit that has grown up with you than with a rabbit who is used to life without you.
Also, if you're a reader and haven't read "Watership Down", the author did an excellent amount of reseach into the social mechanisms of rabbit behavior, which is quite diverse.


Old Timer
Oct 7, 2003
I'm surprised that Maggie (Atalanta) hasn't had input on this thread.She is an experienced bunny keeper. Sorry I can't help.Never kept them.


Jun 29, 2006
To follow up, as much as I want to suggest getting a 'rescue' rabbit, most rescues are not from good homes. If they had been, why would they need a rescue? There are exceptions, of course, but most have been abused, neglected, or otherwise traumatized in some way. ... .
Sorry, I can't let this go. This is patently not true. Again, I've worked with hundreds of rabbits at the humane society over the past 10 years. The vast majority have been relinquished due to boredom. They got it for the kid who isn't interested any more. Second to boredom is the excuse of allergy.
And the more quiet time you spend with the rabbit the more it trusts you. Don't expect it to trust and love you like a puppy the day you take it home.


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2006
sorry, but I feel taking a pet to the shelter equals neglect. It may be a matter of semantics, but I did say there are exceptions. Anyway the point was a shelter rabbit is not a good idea for a novice rabbit owner, I didn't say they wouldn't make a good pet. sheesh


Old Timer
Oct 19, 2004
jasonius, I completely understand the point you are trying to make, and as a dog breeder, I often have to explain purchasing from a breeder versus rescuing from a shelter.

Breeders breed for different reasons. Some breed to make money. Some breed because they love the breed and wish to propagate a high quality line. Others breed to produce animals that will make good companions and good working animals. In any case, it is a specific animal for a specific purpose.

Although my family has been breeding German Shepherds for many, many years and I myself own a champion dog, I will be obtaining another dog in the near future, and that dog will be a rescue. I already have a companion bred from some of the most sought after lines in the world. My next dog will be a mutt. Both of them will be amazing, wonderful, loving companions and both will receive the best training and care I can give them.

Back to rabbits. I disagree about not being able to find a good pet at a shelter for two reasons. Taking a rabbit to a shelter because it was an unwanted gift or because of allergies is far more responsible than leaving it in a cage with the minimum of care. Some bunnies will take a while to learn to trust and bond with a human, and some may never do. But in no way is the right bunny from the right shelter incapable of sweet and rewarding pet. Also, those who work in bunny rescue are going to be far more likely to educate the potential owner and make a good match with their rescue simply because they don't want to rescue again.

As I said, some breeders are in it for love, some are in it for love of money - and it can often be difficult to find this out until its too late. Rescuers, on the other hand, are more frequently in it for more altruistic reasons and have more cause to see to the welfare of the animal itself.

I'm not stating absolutes, and ultimately you as an owner need to make an informed decision. Whatever route you choose to go, I wish you the best of luck with your new companion. Post pics once you get your bunny settled in! :)


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2003
I'm a bit late coming to this thread (thanks for the shout-out, George!), but I think that you've been given some wonderful advice from people with more experience than me! My rabbit raising has been limited to one pet for the past three years, and I'm hoping to add a rescue bunny to the household to keep mine company soon.

Great points about rescuing vs. pet store purchase. I can understand the breeder option, but given the vast numbers of bunnies in shelters, I think rescuing is the way to go. Resuce rabbits are also often fostered by loving families until they find permanent homes, so you have a good chance of finding a loving, trusting pet. I agree that it is good to spend some time with the bunny before making a decision.

My pet is a joy. She's also like having a toddler around. She is cageless (but confined to one room when not supervised). The room is rabbit-proofed. She will put anything in her mouth, much like a small child, and she requires lots of different toys and projects to keep her from getting bored. She loves to play. I think this is pretty typical rabbit behavior. She was also very easy to litterbox train, and because she is spayed, she has kept excellent litter habits.

As for walking, I take mine on a leash but only in my yard. Anyplace where dogs or other predatory animals roam would scare her too much.

This picture was taken in our yard yesterday. She looks mad, but she pretty much always looks like that. ;)
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