Well, I purchased 2 Theraphosa blondi slings about a month or so ago and while 1 molted ok the other did not and subsequently died today. They were kept the same exact way with the same temp, humidity, everything the same. Both were feeding like slobs when they first arrived. It was acting very strange over the past 2 days and I had a bad feeling about it. Well the worry is over, its dead. The molt came half off. No dehydration or anything like that. The humidity never falls below 90% and temps stay between 87 and 92. Now I have a feeling that my X. immanis sling is going to follow right behind it. That sling has eaten twice in the past month, and both times the cricket had to be killed. It will flick hairs at whatever is in its enclosure and go as far away from it as it can. The X, immanis molted almost 2 weeks ago. I cant say what I really want on here but I am a bit more then frustrated by this. I havent lost a T in what seems like forever. :evil: