The germans are invadeing!

Spider-Man v2.0

Old Timer
May 28, 2006
im being invaded by german roches! not a big infestasion, realy minor acualy. and thay dont realy bother me at all, if i see one i just look at it then leave it be.

but thear starting to just be a lil much, thay are located only in my room, since my room is 100% pestisied free, even tho most of the house is.
thay allso are only located in 1 area of my room, under my bed.. im not sure y thay are only hear, but thats whear thay seem to like, im gessing its cus its allso the only area in my room with something that Wont eat them..

so in short, what can i do to easly despose of them without threating every thing in my room. i was thinking roach motels might work well. or perhaps spraying raid on a rag, then rubing in onto the infested areas.

allso i plan on cetching a few of the buggers for breeing reasions, and a posible food sorce for some of my smaller inverts, like my slings, scorp babies, assasins or my lil centi.

if any one whould like a few, fill free to contact me, not that thear are not many, my gess is for the entier room thears fewer then 20.

Spider-Man v2.0

Old Timer
May 28, 2006
any tips at all, i got 2 so far and one with an egg case.

whati did was spray a few small burst close to the surface, then sprayed onto some paper towal and droped them in the needed spots.


Old Timer
Apr 3, 2007
german roaches are bad news man. at my last apartment they tried to take over, it was pretty disgusting. and this is coming from a guy who is currently breeding discoids. my advice is to kill them, NOW, before they get too bad.

i would just spray the room to kill them. as long as you dont feed em to your pets it should be ok.

Spider-Man v2.0

Old Timer
May 28, 2006
i throw a towal over my hissers tank.
how many feet do u think is to close to spray?? im about 3 feet away from my hissers. every thing eals is to high up to get efected i think.


Aziz! Light!
Old Timer
Mar 1, 2006
No Sprays!

You can safely use non airborne options to get rid of pest bugs with out hurting your pet bugs. Things like the "roach motel" you suggested work well, Also pastes and gels that you can get at hard wear stores.

Hope this helps bud!


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Oooo, man, they are just hanging out under your bed? That sucks! I don't like German roaches. I worked in a pet store at a mall one summer years ago. They got in the dog kennels. The manager sprayed and went to get something to eat. I was there by myself and 100's of them came out right after she sprayed and left. There was one on a baseboard. I kicked it and heard a little pop. The guts shot up and went in my mouth{D . That was pretty nasty. I'd go with what Acro is saying. I'd go to a place like HomeDepot, find someone that works there and tell them exactly what you're worried about. Tell them you have other bugs you don't want to get hurt and where the German roaches are. There's probably a good bait out there.


Old Timer
Apr 3, 2007
at my current apartment i had the landlord pay to have the bug guy come and spray. the way he did it was just to spray around the base of the walls, right where they meet the floor. he just went around the room doing this.

dont remember what stuff he used but i think it pretty much was supposed to kill all bugs. i would know if my discoids got infected, cuz they would just die.

so far i have had no problems.


Old Timer
Jun 18, 2004
You could get some house geckos and release them. I think they are native in texas. Just cover all of your own bugs so they don't eat them too. Or get a cat. Mine never ate roaches, but sure did kill them all.


Old Timer
May 27, 2006
roach motels placed along the edges of the floor work wonders. just make sure the pest roaches CANNOT make contact with your pets. place your pet containers in a large pan filled with some water, think moat.

goodluck, keep us updated

Spider-Man v2.0

Old Timer
May 28, 2006
we got 12 cats hear

yea thay are ONLY under my bed, and Never ever any whear ealse.
i got a few and one with a egg case. i named her crystal the german roach, and i can sex them cus thear 2 small, but i went ahead and named one of the others herman the german.

thay can climb over patrolium jelly but have a bit of dificulty, thay are allso very hesitant of walking over it.

like i said thay dont bother me at all, im that much of a bug freak.
but i live with my mom and my lil sis who whouldnt want that stuff


Old Timer
Apr 3, 2007
wait till you see them swarming in the bathroom and kitchen. and they do literally swarm. if you can see one, you can assume there are many you cant see.

also, they are dang hard to get rid of. they can eat/live off the glue in your furniture or the grease in your fridge motor.

hardcore little buggers.
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Old Timer
Apr 3, 2007
You could get some house geckos and release them. I think they are native in texas. Just cover all of your own bugs so they don't eat them too. Or get a cat. Mine never ate roaches, but sure did kill them all.
i heard about a time when they tried this with tokays in new york. problem is they were also using pesticides.

so the tokays ate the cockroaches, then s*&^ all over the place, then died. :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
The Mediterranean gecko is what's common here in Texas. You should be able to find some around porch lights at night. I have them all around my house and I have several hanging out inside my house. I've been in this house 11 years and I've never used pesticides. I only see 1 or 2 roaches a year. They probably had just gotten in and things hadn't had a chance to get them. I have geckos and spiders that take care of that stuff in the house. I also watched a giant centipede walk across the rug when I was watching the tube one time. I thought one had gotten out but it turned out to be a stranger. I did have to relocate a gecko that was sneaking in the cricket tub at night. I think the Mediterranean geckos would be small enough to get the Germans and would leave your other bigger stuff alone. One little German roach would be a good meal for a Mediterranean gecko, they aren't very big.

You know, since you're living with your mom and sis, you might end up taking your stuff outside while an exterminator comes to take care of that prob. Those can really get out of control like mentioned earlier, a swarm.