Is a temp of 72f-73f ok for a Brachypelma vagans (Mexican Red-Rump Tarantula), or should I invest in some form of heater to bring the temp up to 75f-80f. All the care sheets recommend 75f, but my T seems to not be very active which may be normal.
That's exactly right. You don't need heaters at all. As long as you keep your house or tarantula room at room temp you will be golden. I was actually talking to someone about this last night that had all his T's rigged up with heat pads. Its a drain on electricity, raises your room temp and is potentially harmful if anything. Completely uneccessary unless you lived somewhere cold and the T's were kept in a basement or the likes that didnt remain at room temp.You don't need a heater. In fact a heater can be bad for them. Room temp is all the T's need.