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Tapinauchenius cupreus


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2007
I received 4 slings in a trade with Eric in late 2008. One died, 2 ended up being males and matured this year. Luckily, the fourth one turned out to be a female. I thought the female would be too small to breed since she was only about 2" in leg span, but it turns out this species (and genus) is sexually mature at small size.

Nothing special was done during the whole breeding process as I wasn't really expecting much to come of it. The only thing that I did was keep her enclosure moist and at room temperature (between 70 and 80 degrees).

I paired them on, I believe, 3 separate occasions. The female was receptive every time and the pairings went on without a hitch. I just kept pairing them up cause I had nothing better to do those nights and no one wanted the males so I figured why not.

A couple months later (I'm not sure of the exact times they were paired), a sac was produced on 5/15/2010. I was leaving for India on 5/24 so I just kept the sac with the female until I returned on 6/26. At that time the sac was pulled and opened. The slings were already at 1st instar so I just put them in a deli with moist paper towels. 2nd instar was reached on 7/10. The final count was 34 slings.
