Still worried (and sad) new T owner


Jan 29, 2011
Hi All,

I wrote earlier this week about my two new avic Ts--they're my first Ts, so I could use all the advice and encouragment I can get.

Unfortunately, the little baby avic metallica died--his legs got all spastic and he couldn't walk and then he flipped over and that was it--DKS, I guess. I know there's nothing I could've done, but it's sad, and it makes me worry about my other T even more. I keep checking to make sure she can walk ok (she can).

Now, my beautiful 2.5" avic azuraklaasi--I'm pretty sure she's about to molt, she hasn't eaten since I've had her (over a week), she's very listless. Is this normal pre-molt? Also, I've tried to study up on how to treat a T in premolt, that they need moisture in their substrate. I hope this isn't horrible--please please tell me it's not horrible--but I took a little cup of water to sprinkle AROUND her onto the ground, and some of it accidentally drizzled onto her. I figure her species come from a rainforest. . .but I feel terrible about it.

Also, she's barely webbing, and she's not climing on any of her vertical surfaces, she's just sitting on the ground like a terrestrial. She drank some water today.

I hate worrying like this--I call her Aretha, she's the Queen of Soul--can someone please just tell me she'lll molt soon and what to expect. What should I do/not do? She's the prettiest deep velvel midnight blue color you've ever seen!

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Mar 10, 2010
First of all, T's dont flip over to die. Their legs just curl up underneath, so its possible that your first T was going to molt if it flipped over. Sometimes they walk weird because their skin is getting too tight and they are trying to loosen it and prepare for the molt.

As for your remaining T, water will not hurt her at all. She may or may not like it, but it wont cause herany more harm then water splashing on you would cause.

What I like to do is keep the substrate in one end of the tank very moist, while I keep the other end much dryer. That way, your T can decide what it likes the best. They are all different, even if they are of the same species. Once you find out what she likes the most, you can tailor more of the tank to her liking. You should also get a clean spray bottle (One that has never had anything in it) and mist the inside of the enclosure to increase the humidity.

She may not be eating because she is not settled in yet, or doesnt like something about the tank. Some T's eat a lot, and some eat a little. I've got a large T that only likes to eat about once a week, and I've got a small one that would eat 10 crickets a day if I fed them to him. Some T's stop eating weeks, or even months before they molt. My G Pulchripes didnt eat for a month, then barricaded herself in her hide for another month, then molted, then didnt come out for another several weeks.

JUST LEAVE HER ALONE, and dont throw her away if she flips over. She may be having trouble climbing if she is getting ready to molt, so she may stay right where she is, on the ground. She knows what to do, and will do it without your help, just like her ancestors have done for millions of years. If you give her food, and she doesnt want it, take it out after a day, and try again in a couple of days. If she molts, do not put any food in with her for at least a week, preferably 10 days. T's can live for months and months without eating, so dont worry. Putting live food, like a cricket, in with a freshly molted T, can allow the cricket to harm, or even kill the T because the T will be defenseless until it hardens up.

If you dont have much experience with T's, you should probably pick up a book at a pet shop or library. And dont hesitate to ask a lot of question here.


Jan 23, 2011
exspensive lerning curve

My GBB just molted, it took a long time and looked vary dead during this but i think it just kept falling asleep. Three or four hours later it was back upright and walking a little but mostly resting. Did you discard the metallica? Maybe it finished molting and is just waiting in the waist bin.

Dreadlock Wolf

Dec 7, 2010
With a bit of luck we'll get an example of how tough these little buggers are and we'll have a very pissed of T sitting under a sneezed into tissue:barf:


Jan 29, 2011
The metallica was definitely dead--she was all shrivelled up and just lay there for about 12 hours before I finally decided to bid her adieu.

I hope my azura is really about to molt! She moved a little overenight so I guess she's ok. Is it a good idea--I just put her in the closet where it's nice and dark and I'll leave her alone. Also, do they like a dark bathroom full of steam?

I did a lot of research before I bought these guys, but I'm going to get the T Keepers Handbook as soon as I can!


Jan 23, 2011

Lights seem to bother my T's if its shinning right in there many eyes. You could put it in a microclimate tank like this one
and place that in the closet.

I took advice from Paul at petcenterusa and setup a microclimate tank. Now all of my T's have started to web and are much more active. Just reading the endless threads here have helped a great deal in taking care of my T's.


Feb 1, 2010
The best way to tell is still the smell imo.
I got a whiff of it a few days after one of my avic's dropped dead and it's very nasty and very distinct.
Might be hard to notice when they are very small though.
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