As my mind wanders and i kill the little piece of internetquota I have left instead of reading about inheritance of classes, I wonder about the common shrews cats often drag into the house..they never eat them, and from the start I got to hear this is because they(the shrews) are poisonous. Is this so? If so, poisonous to who? Tarantulas as well? Or would shrews caught in traps be viable food for bigger T's? (provided you knew there were no pesticides around) ? I imagine other stuff than pesticides could be in or on the little parasites and stuff, but how big of an issue is this on average?
EDIT : how 'color=grey gives a green shade I know not. Perhaps because these color tags aren't supposed to be nested?
EDIT : how 'color=grey gives a green shade I know not. Perhaps because these color tags aren't supposed to be nested?