Somethin I discovered. Emps don't like glass.


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
Well, I have 3 emps, all of which I keep in one of those large, flat Pet Pals. I put one of those plastic caves in the cage, for them to hide in. The thing is, with this plastic cage in there, none of them have a reason to dig burrows. So all three of them are living in the same little plastic cave. it really isn't such a little cave, but it's tiny when you consider that all three of them are living in it at the same time.

Now, I know that P. imperator is communal, but this still seems like a recipe for disaster. The females are absolutely huge. Add to that the much smaller male, and you have three carnivorous, potentially canniballistic animals sharing a tiny space.

Actually, I THINK I have two females and one male. But I really can't tell. I've ssen lot's of low quality images, but I'm still really not sure.

Anyway, I decided that it would be best to add another hide. Not wanting to pay for it, I looked around for something I could use. Then I saw the small Mason Jar I kept my late P. murinus in. I thought, "Hey, that'll work!" So I dropped it in the Pet Pal.

A week later, I noticed that none of my emps were in it. I wasn't sure if they hadn't seen it or if they just didn't like it. So to find out, I took them all out of their plastic cave and picked up one of them. Then, after putting it back down, I guided it into the glass Mason Jar. It ran into the Mason Jar to get away from me. Then, after about ten seconds, it ran back out of the Mason Jar as if there was a monkey or something in there.

I guess emperors just don't like glass. That sucks, since I'll apparently have to actually pay for a couple more hides.


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2003
Just go get yourself some flat rocks and silicon or liquid nail or something (clear is better, but give it time to air out before adding it). It's a lot better looking (more realistic) than a couple plastic aquarium add-ins.

edw. :)


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
First off, I assume the jar is clear. Since it doen't block light, it's not going to be very appealing to the scorions. Also, the smooth texture is probably not what they want to walk on.

If you half bury the jar in the substrate so it's got substrate on the bottom, and covered the top with substrate as well to make it look like a cave, you might make the jar a more appealing hide.
