So You Want an Avicularia? [Cage Building for Novices Inside]


Feb 13, 2014
Quite some time ago I lent out my MM A.versicolor for some breeding... he didn't make it as he was a little guy (~3.5 inches) and she was a very big girl. Neither me or the guy who did the breeding thought anything would come out of it. Fast forward to a week ago and I get a message about how his sister in law (the owner of the female) had over 50 slings running around in her female's cage. Since I am now the proud owner of 26 A.versicolor slings, I figured a step by step making of a cage would be useful (as I'll be making a lot of them).

Picture of my half of the sac

Future homes for the little buggers. These are my "cage" of choice for young aboreals/heavy burrowers as I got 25 cups and 50 lids for $9 at Gordon Food Services.

I like using thumb tacks to poke holes in these as it doesn't crack the plastic, provides big enough holes and has a little handle. Pins or very small nails will do the job too and make your holes from the inside out to avoid sharp plastic edges.

I do about 3 rows of holes spaced out by an inch from each other (I try to make diamonds). You can also put a row down towards the botton of the cup if you desire. Key is to allow ventilation without ruining the microclimate you want to make.

You don't need many holes on top as aboreals value cross ventilation more than anything.

Now to add your sub of choice, I have some EcoEarth here with a little spaghum moss (moss isn't nessisary). Avics very rarly burrow or go the ground so the sub is mostly there to give support to the cork bark.

Some pieces of cork bark, I tried to allow for hiding areas, stability and provide a ramp for crickets to march to their death.

Can't forget the water cap, setting it on the sub is also a good place as the spider will come down to drink if it is really thirsty. I just have this nestled in the cork but I know people who will hot glue them in.

Filled the water cap and sprayed the lid as they had a long car ride and are probably thristy. If I do mist I just do the lid as I'm not spooking the spider and it also reminds me that I fed and serviced the cage already.

One of the slings, I could keep it in this vile but the lack of ventilation and small size concerns me.

For those of you concerned about a little 2nd instar in a big delicup, don't be. For the next few molts I'll be offering prekilled prey until they fully web up the cage (which doesn't take long). After that they are quite good at moving around the cage and grabbing crickets. I use these cups due to my busy schedule and the fact I leave town a lot; a bigger cage allows for less worry.


Feb 13, 2014
Grats on the little ones :) lovely little guys.
So tiny and cute. Excellent guide for setting them up in containers.
Thank you, these guys are sentimental as they are the offspring of my first tarantula; he took over 2 years to mature so he was with me for a while. I also kept seeing people asking about cages or posting some that looked like they were riddled with a machine gun, so I figured pcitures would communicate better than words.