snake food help, asap

Spider-Man v2.0

Old Timer
May 28, 2006
ok, so the damn freezer at petco is broken down.
my snakes never eaten live food and tried giveing him a live mouse but he wont take it.
so i was going to pre kill

what meathod is should i use??

i was eather going to
1, throuw the mouse agist the wall or hit step on it and just crusing him*not to the point whear hes a bloody pulp*
2, freeze it, but i was told not too :S
3, drowned it
4, drop it into boileing watter *atleast it will be fun in a sick twisted way, i chould pretend to be an inqusiter and the mouse a pagan non bealver! :p*

i feed him last week, but the store is far off and i whould need a ride.
help for a good and not boreing way to kill it?


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2006
i prekill every mouse i give my snake.... you know so its warm{D .yeah anyways the funnest way i guess is to put it in a a bag and slap it against the wall. :wall: SLAP. sometimes it still twitches a litlle. ha ha pretty sick when you type it all out

Spider-Man v2.0

Old Timer
May 28, 2006
lol, oooo i chould play irqa war and be an american interigator and poke it with eletrical wires???

realy tho, i want a good way to kill it that will allso not be too boaring so i can get this self satisfieing "hahaha pathatic litle creater, beg as i crush u under my heal" kinda filling.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
A not boring way? Are you some sort of a psychopath or something? Does the idea of killing a small defensless animal get your jollies up? I pre kill my snakes food as well but never really would equate it with a form of entertainment. Grow up!


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
giving you the benefit of the doubt, your best bet is using the bag method...put the mouse in the bag and hit it against the wall or table to break its neck...everything after that is pretty self explanatory...


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2006
When I have to pre-kill, I grab the mouse/rat by the tail and hold it in the air. Then I lower onto a piece of wood or something, just enough for the mouse/rat to grab it with its front legs. When it grabs hold, I press on the back of its neck with a screw driver or some similar object that wont break, until the neck snaps. Then I throw it in the enclosure right away because it will twitch for about 30 seconds, and the snake will usually take it right away.

I wouldn’t say it’s a fun activity though. I only do it if it is absolutely necessary; like if a snake will not eat frozen. I do it for the well being of the snake, NOT entertainment. I hope you were kidding about wanting entertainment value.:?


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
ok, so the damn freezer at petco is broken down.
my snakes never eaten live food and tried giveing him a live mouse but he wont take it.
so i was going to pre kill

what meathod is should i use??
A humane method would be best. The previous poster mentioned one.

Here's a link to the same thing: dislocation

I suggest that any "entertainment" methods not be posted or they will get the thread locked.

Also, keep the thread on topic or it will be locked.


Spider-Man v2.0

Old Timer
May 28, 2006
nm, i just left it in thear for a few min and my snake ended up eating it, witch is not only humane, but cool to watch.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
the only humane ways IMO are the carbon monoxide chambers that feeder stores use, or the breaking the neck (which is brutal but at least quick).

Also your snake would have been fine without feeding an extra week till the freezer was fixed.

Also the fact that you left the mouse in there with the snake is really irresponsible. If it has only eaten frozen, it often can be very dangerous to leave a live mouse in there. I have a snake that wont eat frozen, even with fresh killed/brained mice (my other two do). And even then when i put the mouse in I leave the tank open, with my large hemostats in hand ready to intervene. Look it up on the internet to see what mice have done to pet snakes.

Lastly of that list of ideas you gave none of them are humane, they are all cruel, and completely unecessary, and were honestly shocking to read, joking or not (it would have been nice to include in that first post if you were joking).


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
i didnt read that site, and i dont think decapitation is a good way to do it either.

a mouse is a living thing too, so by the same sense some should be allowed to come to your home and beat your snake, or dog to death? As a pet owner you should have respect for animals, all, both yours and others.

Im not going to get into an argument about it, as thats not what i meant to do, I just hope to have maybe made you see why some people dont find what you said a joke, or if it wasnt, hopefully changed your mind about it a bit.


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
I am in the process of trying to switch a very stubborn carpet python over to frozen so i do have to use pre-killed(he will eat pre-kill but not frozen) but the method i use and please don't blast me for this is holding it by the tail and hitting it on something. Yes it is not the most humane but it does work and its helping to get him onto a humane method. I did try the bag method but when i did it the bag broke and a dead mouse went flying and hit me in the face. I won't be doing that again...


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
EUUGHH, reading this kinda hit a sour note with me. Guys...don't beat the poor mice to death either use the chamber method (hard to find I know) There might be plans to make them online to. Or the quick easy non bloody way is to quickly sever the spinal cord.

You take a long bar (a screwdriver) and place it behind the back of the neck. Yes this might take a few tries. get a grip on the pubic bone or the base of the tail (I use the pubic bone, the tails can actually come off....ow, I also use thick leather gloves to the mouse doesn't bite my fingers) place on a flat surface, press the bar down and pull sharply and quickly on the hips/tail.

This quickly severes the neck AND spinal cord and while not completely painless, it comes close. I do noit beat them with things, I do not beat them against things. I find this painful and in-humane. The mouse will normally urinate on itself adding the scent that the snake will normally look for.

This is the only other way of semi-humane pre-kill That I know of aside from the chamber, and I really would opt for that.

As to switching to frozen, you can scent the frozen with a live mouse, rub it against the dead one and in urine if you have the live on in a cage. Therefore if you have a snake that doesn't eat the frozen you always have a live one if you need it until fully switched over. You can keep the mouse in a small 10 gallon container and give it back to the petstore or to a friend if you don't need it. Always use a lid they are sneaky boogers and will get out. Snakes go based more on smell than movement, but you can get some long forceps to wiggle the frozen mouse. Also make sure the mouse is still NOT COLD. It needs to be ROOM temp, it can hurt the snake feeding it not fully thawed of cold food (Its digestive tract) The snake will also most likley strike at something cold, being as they can "SEE heat".

Do not make the mistake of putting the mouse in the microwave. Ew.

I use a heating pad for frozen, place it there on high for about 15-30 min, it will give it heat, but not cook it. Just don't forget its there.

Spider, you are the person that suggested setting the mice on fire in the other post. I think there may be something lacking in your judement skills.


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
I tried rubbing it with a live mouse(which i am sure was a bit freaked by the whole thing) but it didn't work. This is one of the pickiest snakes i have ever seen. He cannot be disturbed while easting and you absalutely cannot move him before he feeds. When he was younger he would only eat mice from one particular pet store...i'm telling you he is a total brat when it comes to these things...but it will be sooooo nice when he is on frozen...


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2006
This may be a bit off topic, but I have a trick for getting the snake to go from live to frozen/thawed. It’s less gruesome than braining, and easy.

When defrosting your rodents, put them into a zip-lock bag, with just a small splash of water. Then seal the bag and submerge it into hot water (faucet hot, not boiling). As the mice thaw, some blood, and other fluids, will mix with the water, and create a nice broth for the mice to stew in. Yummy.:} The mice seem to be much more appetizing this way. This is a trick I discovered by accident, but it works. I have a kingsnake that absolutely refused to eat frozen/thawed, but she quickly ate these.


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
unfortunatly that is how i thaw them...all the others i have took to it fairly easily but this guy...


Old Timer
Dec 29, 2003
Just a note for all to see...

Though we do not try to "prettify" the death of animals to feed the aniamls we keep, we do need to discuss it in a way that is both responsible and humane.

It does our reputation as exotic hobbysits harm to appear as though we take joy in the one small part of husbandry that might turn the general publics' collective stomach.

Circle of life and all that folks - inevitable and natural but not pleasureable or entertaining.

99% of you know this and post accordingly - this is not directed at you. :)


Bill S

Old Timer
Oct 2, 2006
Nowadays I buy frozen rodents in bulk for my reptiles, but once upon a time I raised my own mice. The best way I found to put them down was using dry ice from a supermarket. Put the mice in a plastic 5-gallon bucket, hang a block of dry ice in a cloth bag over the edge of the bucket, and put a cover on the bucket. The carbon dioxide from the dry ice puts them quietly to sleep. I'd do a batch of 20 or so mice at a time, and freeze the ones I wasn't going to feed out right away. Easy, humane, and not as messy or gruesome as some of the other methods listed here.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
yea that works, but if your doing 1 or 2 at a time, its sometimes hard to get dry ice.

For best ways that and the carbon monoxide chamber are definately the best. The neck/spinal cord breaking, while not great, is probably the best simple way.


Sep 25, 2006
Just a thought, why not just wait till you can find more frozen feed. An extra week or so with out food will not be a big deal if the the snake is in good health to start with.