Scorpling care


Jun 14, 2017
I'm curious as to how every one treats semi-arid and arid scorplings. From my understanding scorplings of all types require some humidity, but I'm not sure if ambient humidity is enough or I should be misting an area of their enclosure every so often. So far, I've erred on keeping them dry, with a once or twice mist, resulting in slight condensation for a day or overnight, then allow things to dry out completely, remain dry, and repeat. My ambient humidity is 60-80%, though I imagine that with bottom heat, top ventilation, and sand substrate, the humidity in the enclosures is more like 30-60%. So far, I've had no problems, but I like to be extra diligent with my growing family of stingers.


Feb 1, 2017
@Scorpionluva is a long time breeder who uses no water dishes, just proper substrate mixtures depending on specific Sp for humidity and proper misting depending on scorps. Some Arid scorps are much more sensitive than others. Some cercum to micosos or die off under even a tad bit of moisture, some are semi arid etc.... it even confuses me when i see 2 different scorps from the same country/ city BUT care sheets require them to be at way different temps and humidity levels.... its going to be near impossible to mimic all natural wether and temps, gotta finda that perfectly balanced temp and himidity lvl, grom grom is a parabuthas pro lol he can help with housing and humiditt for these guys as well....i personally dont use a water dishes


Jun 14, 2017
I've stayed away from water dishes, thus far, because I don't them contributing to humidity, drowning, bacterial growth, or having something else to wash and clean.
It seems like everyone just does the best they can to mimic nature and perhaps affords a bit more moisture, before a molt and once or twice a week.
I suppose with desert species, as long as the temps are too high, overdoing is as bad or worse than underdoing things with the watering.
I'm under the impression scorpions, even in the desert, have burrows, scrapes, or other areas that can seek out, with microclimates and higher humidity than we might expect. This seems to be the case in desert tortoises, when they are young, too. Of course, it's much more difficult to manipulate humidity in one area of a rather small enclosure, without contributing to more humidity all over.


Feb 1, 2017
Yea i believe depth and proper substrate mixtures help a lot. Their are so many desert sp. Ive seen people claim dont burrow and have witnessed them myself digging tunnels!!, i ditched the water dishes for the same reason. Many people have told me the horrers of waking up in the morning to find multiple dead babies


May 20, 2013
I agree with the above. Most of the species which are kept on sand CAN be kept on deep substrate with ample room to burrow. I wouldn't with a few species which are intolerant of humidity (I'm looking at you, Leiurus). My Parabuthus and Paruroctonus regularly construct quite large burrows and bury their water dishes. I would rather keep the humidity a bit higher and let them burrow than to restrict this behavior and just keep a water dish with them. Another species that really does much better when it is allowed to burrow is Hadrurus. I keep water dishes with the Hadrurus since they are much larger scorpions, but proper substrate is key to keeping your scorpions healthy.

As for scorplings, even many of the desert species could use a heightened humidity. I don't with Leiurus, but Hottentotta seem to do much better with a slightly higher humidity than the adults.


Jun 14, 2017
I use lava/lace rocks as hides and they have the added benefit of absorbing moisture and releasing small amounts back. I aim to keep moisture in a small portion and on the sides and in the air, rather than with wet substrate. I still my ventilation holes for desert species to have holes at the bottom and holes opposite the bottom holes, drilled at the top. This creates an air current that helps carry away humidity faster. My rainforest and more humid species have holes just on the lid and with using a seedling mat for warmth, it keeps the humidity going up and out and just mist again, when the substrate is bone dry, but there's still condensation on the sides and the bark is still moist in between. I'm not having an issues, I'm just being a worried daddy.