S. Subsinipes Appetite?


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
I recently got a 5.5 inch s. subsinipes. I'm keeping it in a lovely 5 gallon setup with moist substrate and shelter, and she loves to burrow under the wood pieces and hide, but I have not seen her eat a single cricket...
Is this normal, I mean, I've heard they have reputable appetites, but not a single one from what I've seen so far. Is this a possible pre-molt indicator? etc

Thanks for the input guys. I'm out of town now and my old mans taking care of my inverts, so hopefully she'll start eating.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Could be pre-molt. Also, I think people tend to fatten them up real fast because we like to watch them eat so then they're just not hungry. They do this at the pet stores. Employees might drop a crick in as a selling strategy when people walk in. So the potential buyer goes, "wow, cool. Well I might get it when I get paid...". Next customer, same thing. Not that that's why yours isn't eating, you might have gotten it in the mail or something like that, just some thoughts. You do have water in there, right?


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
Could be pre-molt. Also, I think people tend to fatten them up real fast because we like to watch them eat so then they're just not hungry. They do this at the pet stores. Employees might drop a crick in as a selling strategy when people walk in. So the potential buyer goes, "wow, cool. Well I might get it when I get paid...". Next customer, same thing. Not that that's why yours isn't eating, you might have gotten it in the mail or something like that, just some thoughts. You do have water in there, right?
Yep. Deep water dish with rocks. Moist substrate. Hiding spots. Etc.
I got the guy at a pretty reputable shop here in AZ, he said he could eat upwards 1 dozen decent sized crickets a week, so I found that kind of odd. I mean, he comes out at night and roams his cage, etc. But I suppose he's just full for now or something, I'm not too worried.


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2007
Both of my larger subspinipes could take down about a dozen crickets once a week, I use to let them do that, but I've recently cut the number of bugs down to about half (my pedes were getting way too fat in my eyes). I've noticed that if I dump the crickets directly into the centipedes cages (10 gallon tanks) it'll take a few days before all of them disappear. I've recently started transferring my subspinipes into smaller containers when it's time to feed (once a week). I throw in about a half dozen large crickets and they're gone within about 45 minutes (give or take).

You could try that to see if the pede would have an easier time getting to it's food. Hope that helps.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
jeez all of my scolos,ethmostmas, are all pigs{D they are all eating machines,except when they are molting,or.......dead{D


Old Timer
Apr 7, 2007
I recently got a 5.5 inch s. subsinipes. I'm keeping it in a lovely 5 gallon setup with moist substrate and shelter, and she loves to burrow under the wood pieces and hide, but I have not seen her eat a single cricket...
Is this normal, I mean, I've heard they have reputable appetites, but not a single one from what I've seen so far. Is this a possible pre-molt indicator? etc

Thanks for the input guys. I'm out of town now and my old mans taking care of my inverts, so hopefully she'll start eating.
Mine is the same exact way!