S. Dehaani pedeling caresheet?


Aug 30, 2017
I just bought an S.Dehaani pedeling. It's currently housed in a delicup because it's too small for my other enclosures.I feed it small dubia roaches every 3 days, I have had this guy for a week now. I'm still very new to keeping centipedes especially keeping small ones. I couldn't find caresheets for smaller ones like these so I'm still kinda clueless if what I'm doing is the correct way to keep it. Is the substrate too moist? How hardy are these guys in general and what are the things I should avoid in order for it to grow into a healthy adult?



Dec 23, 2017
For the most part keeping plings is pretty similar to adults. They need to be kept more most and should be fed more often so they can grow and avoid mortality.

I see some issues here with the enclosure. The substrate is too moist. It should be moist but not wet like in the photo it seems to be. You’ll give the pede mycosis if there’s too much moisture and little ventilation.

Also, the pede will benefit from a hide and water dish. To be honest, the enclosure is on the small side. It’s not going to harm the pede but you will have issues giving it the best microclimate.

I also think there’s too little ventilation but that depends on what the lid is like.