Rose hair (What am I doing wrong)


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
I have had what looks to me to be an adult rose hair for about a month or so and since I got it (My friend gave it to me because he didn't have any more room for it) I have never seen it eat once. I have seen some feces in there but that was like a week back. The only thing in there now is the spider, half a log and some crickets. How should I go about trying to get this rosy back on a regular eating schedule? The substrate is very damp which explains why it basically stays and lives on top of the half of log all the time. So if someone or a few of you guys could give me a step by step program type of thing that would really help. I read that long post from the person who got all the information for the rose hair care sheet but I don’t know where to start. I may be over reacting but this is kind of scaring me however I know rose hairs have a tendency to fast. So what I did was to help you guys with my evaluation was took three pictures from different angles for you guys so you could see how she looks. Oh yea, I keep my rose hair in a terriaum if that matters.

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Old Timer
Jan 19, 2007
Have you talked to your friend about the spiders eating habits or when the last time it molted was? It could just be that strange Rosie fasting behavior or pre-molt. From the looks of the picture it seems to be in good health so you really shouldn't worry so much. It could just be stressed out also. I know all about being a worry wort. :confused:


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
First off, remove all the un eaten crickets. they are just stressing it out. Second, the damp substrate is stressing it out as well, let it dry out or just replace it all with some dry peat or drier coco fiber. Rosies can go for many months without eating. If her abdomen is nice and fat, you have nothing to worry about. Make sure she has access to water at all times and try offer A cricket every other week or so. Ihave three adult roseas, I don't believe any have eaten in the last month and a half.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Alright again thanks everyone. I did some remodeling. took out the damp substrate and put it in with my scorpions who love their soil damp because they burrow. and i had some extra dry potting soil on hand enough to fill the bottom of the terriaum (sp) for the rose hair and it has some water. so I will try to feed it again in about a week or two weeks from now. I'm now done worrying so again thanks everyone who responsed. greatly appreciate it.


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Don't let it worry you. I have heard of rosies going on a two year fast. As long as the substrate is dry, and it has a full water dish, it will be fine. Offer a cricket once a week, leave it in for 24 hours, if it isn't eaten remove it and offer again in another week.


Old Timer
Sep 28, 2004
She looks very healthy. Just make sure she always has water. I have 2 adult female rosea and they typically fast for *at least* 2 months during the winter. As others said, they are a T that is notorious for going on prolonged fasts. I offer mine a crick every 3-4 weeks until they start eating again. Again, as others said, talk to your friend about it.