Rehousing Over Lifetime


Jun 19, 2016
How often do you rehousing over a Ts lifetime? I'm just curious how often your Ts change homes until they're either in their "forever" home or do some folks here rehouse until the Ts death? Just asking for an average...Also, how big are their forever homes? Ive read that a lot of owners use five gallon enclosures for their final homes. What do y'all use?

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Well, I'm thinking that my B. smithi will be in a 5.5 gallon as it's final house, but I really haven't decided for sure. My L.P. is going to go into a 15 gallon. My E. campestratus matured to male and is in a ten gallon permanently. He could have gone in a five-gallon, but I had the ten-gallon empty and ready to go, so in he went.
I still haven't really decided where my A. geniculata will ultimately be, nor my G. Pulchripes. It'll be 10 gallon tanks at least, I think. I'm pretty cramped for space, with my snake, a couple scorpions and a leopard gecko in addition to my five spiders, I have good reason not to have an extensive collection.

As far as frequency, that has depended on the growth rate of the spider. The smithi and pulchripes are still in kritter keepers, but they will be upgraded probably by the end of the summer, or after their next moults, whichever comes first. The sling to juvie stages are generally what need more frequent upgrades, of course.


Jan 28, 2016
How often do you rehousing over a Ts lifetime? I'm just curious how often your Ts change homes until they're either in their "forever" home or do some folks here rehouse until the Ts death? Just asking for an average...Also, how big are their forever homes? Ive read that a lot of owners use five gallon enclosures for their final homes. What do y'all use?
I rehouse as often as needed. Usually after the deli cup stage they get their more permanent home. If they are one of the larger T species then I'll put an enclosure in between that.
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Jason B

Sep 10, 2016
For most species I normally use three enclosures one for the sling stage one for the juvie stage and then their final home. I tend to stay away from fish tanks because they take up alot of space compared to diy projects.


Jun 19, 2016
I think that's perfect formula, honestly, three stages of growth, why not three houses over their life time.

I need to get into the DIY enclosure making, haha.


Active Member
Sep 14, 2013
I usually only buy young adult females so they go straight into their forever enclosure normally.

I have bought a T.blondi grown on sling though recently. She's in a 5lt square tub now. She'll then go into a 24lt RUB that's already set up as I wanted the live plant cutting to grow. Which it has.

From the 24lt RUB she'll go into her forever home. Probably a 60lt+ RUB.


Jan 28, 2016
I think that's perfect formula, honestly, three stages of growth, why not three houses over their life time.

I need to get into the DIY enclosure making, haha.
We generalize the growth into 3 stages but it really depends on how quickly the T grows and how big it'll get overall. I've gotten slings that were no bigger than a seed tick. You can't really put them in the same enclosure you would for a 1 inch sling so you might have a few cups/enclosures in the sling stage. Some of them grow really quickly, so you may want to move them into a larger enclosure than you would for a slower growing species each rehouse. That way you don't have to rehouse every time you turn around.

As they get larger they will stay in each enclosure longer but at the sling stage mine can go through several enclosures depending on the size they started and how fast they grow.

Like with most things in this hobby, there isn't a one size fits all answer, you just have to rehouse as needed.
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Jun 19, 2016
Good point, man. I hate rehousing though I feel like it's a great intrusion on their lifestyle but at the same time I love it because it's a fresh start at a better enclosure.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
How often do you rehousing over a Ts lifetime? I'm just curious how often your Ts change homes until they're either in their "forever" home or do some folks here rehouse until the Ts death? Just asking for an average.
I rehouse only when they outgrow their old enclosure. I would expect to use 3-4 different enclosures as it grows from sling to medium or large adult (condiment cup, deli cup or something similar, juvenile, and adult).

For most terrestrials, I use the small Exo Terra Breeding Box (8" x 8" x 5.5") as a juvenile cage. (For dwarf species, this works as an adult enclosure.)

Also, how big are their forever homes? Ive read that a lot of owners use five gallon enclosures for their final homes. What do y'all use?
None of my terrestrials has outgrown that, so I haven't decided what I will use next, but I will probably try the larger Breeding Boxes, as they are still low-profile. I have two Exo Terra Nano/Tall (8" x 8" x 12") enclosures that I use for arboreals. I probably won't buy any more of those, because they are large and expensive.